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How to set Sort Orders for Rates Displayed on eRes

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The following article explains how to sort the order that rates are displayed on eRes.

Sorting Rate Categories

When viewing rates on eRes, they are sorted alphabetically by default, however it is possible to have accurate control over how rates are sorted, and in what order they appear.

In the example below, the first level of sorting is by Rate Category. Each Rate Category is displayed in alphabetical order, but can be rearranged in the Rate Categories module of the PMS.

Sorting Rate Categories

Open System Configuration > Rate Wizard and click on Rate Categories.

All the Rate Categories are listed here on the left, and on the right is a column displaying Sort Order. When left at "0" it means there is no sort order assigned.  To set a sort order for a Rate Category, select in the list, and click Modify.

In this example, the Best Available Rate Category is being set to display first.

The Suites Rate Category is being set to show second.

The Package Rates Category is set to display third.

The Discount Rate Category is set to display fourth.

Now, when loading the Rates page on eRes, the Rate Categories follow the defined sort order of display.


Rates are displayed inside of Rate Categories on eRes. It is possible to set the sort order of the rates being displayed within a category.  In the example below, within the Discount Rates Category, the AAA/CAA rate is being set to display first.

Click Update to save.


The AARP rate is set to display second.

Now, when the Discount Rates Category is opened up, the rates are displayed in the defined sort order.

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