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RoomKeyPMS Payments - Handling DEBIT/CREDIT Cards

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Special Note on Interface Configuration: DEBIT will not be turned on by default for the RoomKeyPMS Payments Interface => please contact [email protected] to have DEBIT activated => transaction codes outlined in this document, must be created by the property in order for the transactions to process properly.

In working with dual use cards that handle both DEBIT and CREDIT transactions, RoomKeyPMS makes it easier with how these cards are handled:

  • DEBIT transactions can only be processed through Card Present/EMV Terminal processing
  • Credit Card numbers can be tokenized and saved in RoomKeyPMS for a later date to process as a CREDIT transaction, even if the original posting was on DEBIT

New Transaction Codes Required

Under System Configuration => Transaction Codes => Payment Codes:

  • there are two new Card Types MD (Mastercard Debit ) and VD (VISA Debit) => properties that will be accepting DEBIT, must create new Transaction Codes, using these Card Types
  • previously in RoomKey, is Card Type DB => this will be associated to OTHERDEBIT => these are the "unbranded" DEBIT cards tied to savings accounts
  • All three of these should be setup using Tran SubGroup = EMV DebitCard

Transaction Code Relationship

RoomKeyPMS will automatically associate Card Types created by the property:

  • MD (MasterCard DEBIT) Card Type ASSOCIATED TO the MC (MasterCard) Card Type
  • VD (Visa DEBIT) Card Type ASSOCIATED TO the VS (Visa) Card Type

Posting Payment DEBIT => Saving Card as CREDIT

When posting a payment with the Terminal => if the guest's card defaults to DEBIT => the transaction on the guest folio will save as a DEBIT card:

Although the payment was processed as a VD Card Type => the tokenized card will be saved as the associated VS Card Type => this will allow the property to process a CREDIT transaction for any "late charges" to the guest folio => DEBIT transactions cannot be processed without card present, this is why it is saved as CREDIT type card:

In the example below, the guest had a restaurant charge after checkout => the property will now post a CREDIT transaction with the saved token:

This new payment will now show as a VISA on the guest folio:

NOTE:  The option to "Reverse" a DEBIT Transaction has been removed as a PIN needs to be entered when processing a DEBIT transaction.  Therefore it makes more sense to process a negative payment to refund the money with the guest present OR to process a negative payment using Credit and the stored token.

Credit Card Transaction Report

Reports => On-Line Processing => Credit Card Transactions => DEBIT transactions will be grouped separately:

Reconciliation Report

Reports => On-Line Processing => Payment Reconciliation Report => DEBIT transactions will be matched and grouped separately:

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