API Documentation
RoomKeyPMS API is a REST API and documentation can be found at: https://www.welcometorsi.net/RoomKeyApi
General Configuration Rules
- If calls to API are negatively affecting server performance, RoomKeyPMS reserves the right to disable the API integration
- Do not do calls in Parallel
- Data can be pulled every 10 to 15 minutes
- If multiple properties are on integration, staggering should be implemented
- Retries should be implemented for times of communications issues
Recommended Data Points
Initial Data Pull
Initial Pull Data Endpoints
- Max Date Range 60 days
- Call for past dates as far back as integration needs data for past statistics
- Returns those reservations InHouse at the time of the call
Reservations: https://www.welcometorsi.net/RoomkeyApi/Help/Api/GET-hotels-hotelId-reservations-guestprofile_key_fromDate_toDate
- Max Date Range 60 days
- Call for future dates, as far into the future as integration needs data for forecasting
Ongoing Data Endpoints => Recommend pulls every 10 to 15 minutes
Cancellations, Reserved, and Checkedout
- fromDate: 1 day prior to today’s date
- toDate: today’s date
In House
- Returns those reservations InHouse at the time of the call
- The date parameters for this endpoint are referring to the arrival date of the reservation. This endpoint will be used to find modifications made to reservations
- Some integrations will pull for the next 7 days of arrivals but this will depend on the integrations need for reservation modification information