Troubleshooting RoomKey Offline Errors
Should you encounter an “Offline Error” while working in RoomKey, please ensure that your windows version is supported by Microsoft. As of June 2018, RoomKey PMS will operate on Windows 7 or higher. Also, please ensure that all computers are running on internet security protocol TLS 1.2 or higher. To confirm that TLS 1.2 is the designated protocol, go to control panel - Internet options - Advanced and look for the TLS1.2 checkbox and make sure that it's checked. If the check box is not available, you might need to download windows update or upgrade to a newer Windows OS.
For Mac users, as of June 2018, the oldest OS that is PCI compliant is el capitan.
If you are still experiencing offline errors, follow these steps to help troubleshoot the issue. These steps should be followed prior to contacting RoomKey Support.
Step 1: Reset your Router. If you are unsure where your Router is located, contact your manager. After you have reset your Router, reboot your computer and then try to login to RoomKey.
• If you are successful in logging into RoomKey, you are finished!
• If you are unsuccessful in logging into RoomKey, proceed to Step 2.
Step 2: Open up your web browser (ie: Explore, Firefox, Google Chrome) and press your “Refresh” button to see if your homepage loads.
• If your homepage loads with no errors, proceed to Step 3.
• If you are unable to view your homepage and an error displays on your web browser, this indicates a problem with your Internet Connection. Contact your Internet Service Provider for further assistance.
Step 3: Determine if this issue is occurring on all computers at your Property or just one specific computer.
• If the issue is only occurring on one specific computer, proceed to Step 4.
• If the issue is occurring on every computer at your property, please contact RoomKey Support.
Step 4: Ensure the Time & Date are set correctly on your computer. Double click on the time showing in the bottom right hand corner of your screen and this will open up a Calendar that shows your computer date & time. Double check that the date & time are correct (paying close attention in particular to the year & whether the clock is set to AM/PM)

If the Date & Time are correct, proceed to Step 5.
If the Date & Time are incorrect, make the appropriate changes & then try to login to RoomKey.
• If you are successful in logging into RoomKey, you are finished!
• If you are unsuccessful in logging into RoomKey, proceed to Step 5.
Step 5: Ensure that RoomKey is on the exceptions list for Windows Firewall. On your computer go to the Start -> Control Panel. NOTE: These instructions are based on Windows Vista, however, the directions should be fairly similar for all other Window Versions.
Even if your Windows Firewall is turned off it could still be running in the background as a service, for this reason, it is important to place RoomKey on the Exceptions List regardless if Windows Firewalls is turned on or off. |

Once in the Control Panel select to view Windows Firewalls

Select to “Allow a program through Windows Firewall”.

Go to the Exceptions Tab

Scroll through the list of Programs to see if “RoomKey PMS” appears in the list.
• If RoomKey PMS does appear on the list of programs, proceed to Step 6.
• If RoomKey PMS does NOT appear on the list of programs, continue on with this step.
To add RoomKey to the list of Exceptions click on the “Add Program” button on the exceptions list.

Scroll through the list of Programs and locate “RoomKey PMS”. Click on the RoomKey PMS icon and select OK (if RoomKey PMS does not appear in the list of program, use the Browse button below to locate RoomKey under C:\Program Files\RoomKeyPMS\RoomKey.exe)

Once RoomKey has been added to the Windows Firewalls Exceptions list, reboot your computer and then try to login to RoomKey.
• If you are successful in logging into RoomKey, you are finished!
• If you are unsuccessful in logging into RoomKey, proceed to Step 6.
Step 6: Ensure that RoomKey is on the exceptions list for any Anti-Virus Programs that you may have installed on your computer. After you have placed RoomKey on the exceptions list of your Anti-Virus Program, reboot your computer and try to login to RoomKey.
• If you are successful in logging into RoomKey, you are finished!
• If you are unsuccessful in logging into RoomKey, proceed to Step 7.
Step 7: Check for any outstanding Windows Updates.
To check for Windows updates go to Start -> All Programs -> Windows Updates.

Install any outstanding Windows Updates. Once updates are installed, reboot your computer and try to login to RoomKey.
• If you are successful in logging into RoomKey, you are finished!
• If you are unsuccessful in logging into RoomKey, proceed to Step 8.
Step 8: Ensure you have full Read/Write Access to the folder where RoomKey is stored
(C:/Program Files/RoomKeyPMS)
Go to the Start button on your computer and select “Computer” (or it may be called My Computer)

Go to the C:/ drive and locate Program Files (NOTE: RoomKey may be located under
Program Files (x86) if you do not see it under Program Files)

Now locate the “RoomKeyPMS” folder. Right click on the folder and select “Properties”
First, make sure there is no Read-only restrictions on the folder. Click on the “Read Only (Only applies to files in this folder” checkbox to ensure that it is not selected (NOTE: sometimes if you click on the box once it goes from dark blue/gray to white – make sure the box is white) and then hit Apply.

A box will appear asking you to confirm the change, select OK. (NOTE: You may then have another box pop up that says you must have Administrator Permissions to make these changes. Select OK to proceed – if you get an error message after you select OK then you most likely do NOT have Administrator rights and will need your IT persons help in making these changes within Step 9)

Assuming you did not get an error message, you would then proceed to the “Security” tab and select the Edit button. NOTE: Older versions of Windows do not have this tab – if you do not see this tab, skip ahead to Page 9.

Ensure both the “Administrator” and “User” logins have FULL Control (check the box under the Allow column for Full Control). Select “Apply” to apply these changes.
if you receive an error message after you select “Apply”, speak to your
properties IT as this error message means your Windows Account does not have
Administrator Access to make these changes and your IT will therefore have to make them for you. |

Now try to login to RoomKey.
• If you are successful in logging into RoomKey, you are finished!
• If you are unsuccessful in logging into RoomKey, proceed to Step 9
Step 9: Disable Data Execution Prevention for RoomKey.
Click the Start button in the bottom left hand corner of your computer and select “Control Panel”

Double click on “System”

Select “Advance System Settings”

Under the “Performance” tab -> Performance section, click on the “Settings” button.

Go to the “Data Execution Prevention” tab and select the “Turn on DEP for all programs and services exception those I select” dial. Next select the “Add” button below.

Locate RoomKey under C:\ProgramFiles\RoomKey\. Double click on the RoomKey.exe icon to add RoomKey to your list.

Once RoomKey has been added to the list select the “Apply” button in the bottom right hand corner of the screen.

A message will appear telling you that you have to reboot your computer for these changes to take place. Reboot you computer.
After the reboot is complete, login to RoomKey and check to see if you are still getting the Access Violation Error, if yes please proceed to Step 10.
Step 10: Install MSXML servicepack2 and then MSXML Service pack3 and then all Windows Updates.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Check with your IT Department prior to installing these files to ensure that it is ok to download them.
• To install MSXML service pack 2 click on the link below:

Follow all the prompts to Run, Install and Download the file. Once the download is complete, proceed to download MSXML service pack 3

• To install MSXML service pack 3 click on the following link:
Click on the “Download” button next to the msxml.msi file.

Follow all the prompts to Run, Install and Download the file.

Rebooted your computer and then try to login to RoomKey:
• If you are successful in logging into RoomKey, you are finished!
• If you are unsuccessful in logging into RoomKey, proceed to Step 11 .
Step 11: Ensure that a Default Printer is selected on your computer.
On your computer go to the Start -> Control Panel.

NOTE: These instructions are based on Windows Vista, however, the directions should be fairly similar for all other Window Versions.
Select the “Printers” icon. (This may also be called Devices & Printers or something similar)

Ensure that one of the printers on the list appears with a Green Checkmark beside it, this means that this printer is your Default Printer. If no Green Checkmark appears beside a printer, right click on your printer and select “Set as Default”.

• If a Default Printer is already selected and you are still unable to login to RoomKey, please contact RoomKey Support for further assistance.
• If a Default Printer was NOT already selected, try to login to RoomKey after you select a Default Printer.
o If you are successful in logging into RoomKey, you are finished!
o If you are unsuccessful in logging into RoomKey, please contact RoomKey Support for further assistance.