The following article explains the Commission Work-Sheet available in the Travel Agent module of the PMS. The Commission Work-Sheet allows for selective approval of commissions being paid out to Travel Agents, and provides an overview of the totals due to each Travel Agent.
Travel Agent Commission Worksheet
To view commissions owed to Travel Agents during a defined date range, proceed to Operations > Travel Agent and click on the Commission button.
The Commission Work-Sheet will open. Select the desired search criteria:
- From – select the start of the date range
- To – select the end of the date range
- Unauth. – Check this box to show unauthorized transactions (commissions that have not yet been approved for payment)
- Auth. – Check this box to show authorized transactions (commissions that have already been approved for payment)
- All – Use this drop dow menu to filter view by specific Travel Agency, or leave as All to view all Agencies
- Refresh – Once all the desired criteria has been selected, click Refresh to load the results below
- Print – Prints the Commission Worksheet
The following example reviews all Travel Agent reservations that have not been authorized for the month of March.
Authorizing Commission Payments
To authorize a commission payment, check the boxes under the Auth column next to the desired reservations.
When done, click Post.
When done, the following message will appear. Click OK.
To view the commission payments that were just Authorized, check the Auth box and click Refresh.
Click Print to print out a detailed Commission Worksheet.
The Commission Work-Sheet can now be used to make payments to the selected Travel Agencies. The report indicates that all displayed payments have been Authorized.
NOTE: The PMS does not automatically pay out Travel Agents for a property, it simply produces a report that tracks the amounts owed to a Travel Agent.