The following article demonstrates how to use the Virtual Terminal in MerchantTrack. This process will cause a Non-Matching Transaction to appear on the Payment Reconciliation Report and therefore you should always try to use the Post Payment function in RoomKeyPMS first. If there is an issue with the RoomKeyPMS Payments Powered By Fullsteam interface, you can use the process below to process a credit card payment manually.
Please note, this function is permission-based; therefore you will need RoomKeyPMS Payments permission 4050, Virtual Terminal to proceed.
All computers at the property, regardless if they will be using the interface to process credit cards or not, MUST be updated to Version or above. Please note, this credit card interface is currently available for USA-based clients only.
How to Process a Payment Using the Virtual Terminal in the MerchantTrack Processor Portal
- In the MerchantTrack processor portal, select Virtual Terminal
- On the Virtual Terminal page, the following fields are required:
- Merchant
- Amount Details: Subtotal
- Payment Method: Name on Account, Zip, Card Number, Expiration Month, Expiration Year, and CVV
- Select the Submit button