Support Centre

How to Access and Navigate the MerchantTrack Processor Portal

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The MerchantTrack processor portal is used to view reports and processor activity for properties that use RoomKeyPMS Payments Powered By Fullsteam. For more information about functions in the MerchantTrack portal, check out the following articles:

In the event that you cannot successfully process a payment, reverse or adjust/refund a payment in RoomKeyPMS first, you may be able to use MerchantTrack. Check out the following articles for more information:

All computers at the property, regardless if they will be using the interface to process credit cards or not, MUST be updated to Version or above. Please note, this credit card interface is currently available for USA-based clients only.

How to Access the MerchantTrack Processing Portal

  • In the Reports menu, select On-line Processing, then select Processor Portal

In the RoomKeyPMS Payments MerchantTrack portal, the following functions are available in the navigation panel:

  • Dashboard this is the landing page and it summarizes several pieces of information, including total transaction count, volume, etc
  • Transaction Search is used to search for a transaction by Transaction ID, Account Holder Name, etc.
  • Virtual Terminal is to be used in an instance when the user is unable to process a payment through RoomKeyPMS
  • Terminals is used to add a new terminal and view a list of active terminals
  • Reports is used to display a list of available reports; these can be exported to CSV and/or PDF for viewing

For more information about the Fullsteam's MerchantTrack processor portal, Click Here to access a User Guide - Fullsteam

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