Exclusive to Fullsteam, Clients will now be able to do adjustments on payments within the City Ledger Module. This allows adjustments to be associated with the original TransactionId.
The ability to adjust a payment is available via the Payment Details screen which can be accessed by:
- going to the Payment History tab & double clicking on the Payment in the grid below or
- by entering the Payment's Payment ID into the City Ledger Search and then double clicking on the Payment when it appears in the Payment History grid
- selecting the "Adjust" button on an Invoice -> Payments Tab, which will then take you directly to the corresponding Payment Details screen.
Once the Payment Detail box has been open, to preform an adjustment, the user would select the "Adjust Batch Payment" button.
The "Refund" box would then appear, enter the amount to be adjusted and the reason for the adjustment. Select OK to proceed to the next screen.

The following box allows the user to select which Invoices should be affected by this adjustment. Once selected, the Invoice will highlight in green. To select which invoices are affected the user can:
- Select the Invoice from the list below and click the "Add Invoice" button to include the Invoice in the Adjustment
- Select the "Auto Apply" button which will select the Invoices from top to bottom until the Refund Amount is reached
- Totals can be manually entered into the "Applied Amount" boxes - the amount enter will be the adjustment applied to that invoice

Once the Applied Amounts have been set, "Post Refund" can be selected to process the refund. In the below example we will be refunding $526.78 from Account Credit, $593.22 from Invoice 1001 and $380 from Invoice 1002, which will leave Invoice 1002 with a remaining payment of $120.00.

Select "OK" to post the Refund and the Fullsteam Interface will appear. Select "Post" to process the refund.

Once approved the adjustment can be viewed in the Payment Detail Log

As well as in the Payment History - the red scribbler icon can be seen next to the Payment that was adjusted. To view the corresponding adjustment, click the "Show Reversed/Adjusted Payments" checkbox at the bottom of the screen.
NOTE: The "Payment Amount" display for Payment ID 0-193 is the original amount minus the adjustment ($3000 - $1500 = $1500). Once "Show Reversed/Adjusted Payments" is checked, you will see the original Payment Amount on the Payment ($3000) but you will now also see the corresponding Adjustment ($1500).
Any invoices affected by the adjustment will now reflect the adjustment on the Invoice Log - below we can see the Invoice 1001 now shows a Payment Refund of -$593.22
![Details for Invoice: 1001 [Tauck Tours]](https://media.screensteps.com/image_assets/assets/005/186/721/original/9d37895d-8a61-4a9a-87d6-0b1906abf9d2.png)