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Adding Owners

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The following article explains how to add Unit Owner's to the Owner's Accounting module.


Configuration Settings > Owners.

This area is for inputting the owners for each of the units. A few things to note when entering owners:

  • Even if an owner owns more then one unit, still only enter their name once
  • If owners are permitted to reserve or request bookings using their owner Login, then ensure that each owner has a telephone number tied to their name, as this is a mandatory reservation field in the PMS.
  • Two owners may share the same email address. When the owner goes to login it will ask them which owner they would like to view.
  • If two properties are using RoomKey Owners Accounting and have owners with the same e-mail address on both properties, unless the properties are chained they cannot access both.  If the two RoomKey properties are not associated, they will need different email address on the each property.

Adding an Owner

To enter an Owner into OA, go to the Configuration Settings menu and the Owners submenu.

Adding an Owner

Select New to enter an Owner Name.

Adding Owner Names

There are two options; to either enter the Owners First & Last Name, or a Company Name.

To enter an Owners First & Last Name, fill out the form that appears below, entering the Owner information accordingly. When finished click on to Save after each entry to save & exit or Save & New to just move to a new entry screen.

Adding Owner Names

Adding Company Names

To enter a Company Name, check the Use Company Name box to the right hand side of the screen. First & Last Name is now replaced with Company Name. Simply fill out the form that appears below, entering the Company information accordingly. When finished click on to Save after each entry to save & exit, or Save & New to just move to a new entry screen.

Adding Company Names

Modifying an Owner

To modify an owner (ie: change address, phone number, email) go to Configuration Settings > Owners.

Modifying an Owner

Select the Edit button next to the Owner to be modified.

After the desired changes have been made, click Save to save the information.

NOTE: An Owner/Company name should never be replaced with a new Owner/Company name due to the history tied to an Owner/Company.

Deleting/Deactivating an Owner

Owners cannot be deleted once they have been attached to a Unit. Once an Owner is attached to a Unit, history is tied to the Owner and therefore it can only be Deactivated.


To delete an Owner that was never attached to a Unit, go to Configuration Settings > Owners. Locate the Owner/Company to be deleted, and select the Delete link to the right of the Owner/Company name. The Owner will now be deleted from OA.



If an Owner was attached to a Unit, but has since sold their Unit, the option to Deactivate the Owner will appear under Configuration Settings > Owners.


Select the Deactivate link and a message will appear asking to confirm the deactivation. Select OK to continue.

To view a list of your inactive Owners select the Show Inactive Owners link to the right of your screen.

To re-activate an Owner, simply click on the Activate link beside the Owner name.

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