The following article reviews how Maintenance related postings made in the Maintenance Module of the PMS flow through to Owner's Accounting and individual units.
The PMS allows for maintenance charges to be posted directly into OA via the Room Maintenance Module. Therefore, instead of inputting the room maintenance information into the PMS for tracking purposes, and then going into OA to post the expense, this action can be done in one easy step.
Room maintenance postings must be input into the PMS PRIOR to importing revenue for the month. If a maintenance charge has been forgotten and revenue has already been imported for that month, the Maintenance Expense must be manually posted into OA.
In order to post maintenance charges from the PMS into OA, at least one transaction code must first be set up in OA, so it can be selected from within the Room Maintenance Module in the PMS (more then one transaction code can be created if preferred).
In this example the MAINT (Maintenance Fee) transaction code has been created and the option Yes was chosen for Show in RoomKey. This means that the “MAINT” transaction code will appear when posting a charge using the Room Maintenance module in RoomKeyPMS.
A Default Amount may also be selected if the cost associated with the Transaction Code will always be the same. For example: a Transaction Code called “Chimney Sweeping” may be created, and no matter what unit, the charge for the chimney sweeping is always $100.00. Therefore the Default Amount should be set to 100.00. This is the price that will appear in the PMS each time this Transaction Code is used.
In the above example, the MAINT charge could vary, so the Default Amount should be left at 0.00. If no default rate is needed then $0.00 must be inputted into the Default Amount.
To post a maintenance charge using the PMS, proceed to Operations > Maintenance Module > Room Maintenance.
Once in the Room Maintenance module, select the Unit (room) Number where the charge is to be posted. Select New and fill in the information below:
Note the Post Expense to HOA? box to the right of the screen. Check this box if the owner of this unit is to be charged for the maintenance being performed. Choose the correct OA Transaction Code using the drop down menu, and enter the amount to be charged to the owner.
Select Post to save this information in the Room Maintenance module.
NOTE: The expense does not get posted into OA at this time. The maintenance expense will not post to OA until these two steps are completed:
- The item is marked as Done in the Room Maintenance module
- Room revenue is imported into OA for the month
The Maintenance Expense will post in OA based on the End Date/Time for the maintenance request in the PMS. The End Date/Time is not finalized until the request status is changed to Done. To change the status of a maintenance request, locate the request in the list above (ensure the black arrow is pointing towards the request), select the Edit button below, and place a check-mark in the Done box at the bottom. Select Post to mark the request as done.
Based on the End Date below, the Maintenance charge will appear in OA as a posting for June 17th, 2010.
If a request had a Start Date of June 16th, and an end date of July 1st, and the status of the request was changed to Done on July 1st, then the charge would appear in the July OA statement.
When preparing the monthly statements, follow the normal steps to import revenue for the month (Revenue & Occupancy > Import Revenue > change month > Import Revenue).
Once the revenue is imported, proceed to the Expenses & Payments menu to review the Maintenance charges.
To reconcile postings in OA with the Room Maintenance module in the PMS, in the PMS go to Operations > Maintenance Module > Room Maintenance. Under Print Options, select Print All Rooms. Choose the correct dates for the month being reconciled (i.e.: June 1 - 30), and choose the option Done.
Compare this Maintenance Module report with the maintenance expenses in OA, the two reports should match.