The following article reviews how to create a fixed night "Package" Package.
Step 1: Rate Plans for Packages
The first step to setting up a package is to determine what Rate Plan will be used. It is possible to use an existing Rate Plan, however as a "Best Practice", it is recommended that a new, unique rate plan be created for each specific package. Creating a new rate plan offers better control over the package, as restrictions like Length of Stay, Close, and Close To Arrival can be managed on the rate, thus allowing the booking of the package to be controlled via those restrictions.
If an existing Rate Plan is used, the package will be subject to the rules and restrictions of that rate plan. For example, if that rate plan needs to be closed out for any reason, it would affect the package and close it out as well. As this may not always be the desired result, it is recommended that pre-existing Rate Plans are not used in conjunction with packages.
The example below shows a typical Package Base Rate. This base rate has been constructed specifically for a Scooter Package, and is named as such. The suffix "Base Rate" is added to the name to indicate it is the rate portion of the package only, and so the rate itself is not confused with the actual Scooter Package later on in the configuration.
The Rate will need to be created for all the room types the Package is being made available to. Do not attach this package base rate to any Client Types, as the rate itself should never be bookable alone, outside of the package.

Step 2: Transaction Codes
The 2nd step in creating a package has to do with setting up the proper Transaction Codes (System Configuration > Transaction Codes). In the transaction codes module, it is possible to define how often a transaction code will need to post in the system. Since the system will automatically post the room rate, it is advised to double check that all applicable transaction codes have been set up correctly for the package.
The transaction code used in the example below is breakfast. The repeatable is set to “Yes”. This means that if a guest stays in the hotel multiple nights and this code is used in the package, this code will be charged repeatedly. The breakfast will be repeated on a daily basis, and will be charged per person.
If a package is set up for a total of 3 nights, and the transaction code is set to not repeat, the system will only charge the breakfast to the room on the first night and not on the rest of the stay.
After Rate Plans and Transaction Codes have been setup proceed to System Configuration > Packages & Inclusions to create your package.

Creating a "Package" Package
To create a “Package” package, click on the “Packages” button at the top of the screen. Click on the Add button to begin.
On the General tab, fill in the following information:
- Package# - will automatically populate once the package has been created
- Short Name – input an abbreviated form of the package name (max 20 characters)
- Name – input the full name of the package. This is the name that will appear in the PMS & eRes
- Nights - input the number of nights that must be stayed in order to book this package
- Free - indicates if there are any free nights included with this package
- Date From – the date this package begins
- Date To – the date this package can be booked up until
- Active – check this box to activate the package
- Internet – check this box if the package is to be made available via the eRes Mobile Booking Engine
- Scope – A private package must be attached to a specific Client Type in order to be made available. A public package will be available on every Client Type. To ensure better control over where and how a package is booked, mark it as Private and then attached to the appropriate Client Type(s)
- Description - input a description of the package being offered. This description will appear on the eRes Booking Engine if this package is available to be booked online
- Auto – the auto button will input basic information about the package into the description box which you can then alter to better describe your package
Once all these areas have been filled out, hit the OK button to save.

Room Type & Rates tab
In the Room types & Rates tab, select the Room Types and Rate Plan to be included in this package.
- Select the correct room type in the column on the right side, and use the Include button to move it to the left column. If the wrong room type is selected by mistake, use the Revoke button to remove it.
- To select the rate, use the drop down menu in the rate column to select the correct rate plan for this package
Once the correct room types and rate plans have been selected, click Post to save the changes.

Package Transaction Tab
In the Package Transaction tab, select which transaction codes (components) are included in the package.
- Select the transaction code in the right column, and click the Include button to move it to the left column. If a transaction code was added by mistake, use the Revoke button to remove it. NOTE: A Room Charge code must ALWAYS be included in a package.
- Once all applicable transaction codes have been added to the column on the left, enter the amounts to be charged for each transaction code. Do not add an Amount for the Room Charge, as the system will automatically post this from the rate code.
- Finally, enter a TCode and TName for the package. The TCode must be unique and cannot be the same as any other TCode in the PMS. For simplicity, it is recommended that the Short Name and Name from the General tab also be used as the TCode and TName for the package
Click Post to save changes.

Attach Package to Client Types
Once the package has been created, it must be attached to the appropriate Client Type(s) to be made bookable (System Configuration > Client Types).
- Choose the correct Client Type from the list, and proceed to the Rates tab
- Select the desired Room Type from the drop down menu
- Locate the package in the list under Available Rates, and click the green arrow to move it to the Attached Rates column (NOTE: In the below example, both Romance Package and Romance Package Base Rate are listed. Because the base rate was labeled as such when the Rate Plan was created, there is now no confusion over which one is the package, and which is the Rate only)
- When done, click Post to save
- Repeat these steps for each Room Type that the package is being sold on for this Client Type

Repeat the above steps for each Client Type the package is being sold on.
If this package is to be sold on eRes Mobile Booking Engine, remember to attach it to the WEB Online Booking Client Type as well.

Test the Package Booking
Once all above steps are done, test the package by trying to book it in the PMS. Select the appropriate Client Type and Dates; the package should appear along with the other rates.

Package Posting
When a "Package" Package is checked in, the entire contents of the package will post on the first night of the stay. In this example, two night's of Room & Tax, plus the champagne and the strawberries all posted on the first night, and are displayed simply as Romance Package on the folio. This is what the guest will see on their folio when printed.

When printing folios, there is an option to Show Package Components, which allows the folio to show the package broken out as it posted in the back end.

Below we can see that the 1st night's Room & Tax, champagne and strawberries posted on the first night of the stay, while the 2nd night's Room & Tax actually posted on the second night. This is done so that packages do not reduce the Average Daily Rate (ADR) in the PMS.