The Upselling Guest Services Module allows Clients to configure RoomKey so that Guest Services are made available for guests to select during the Mobile Check-In process. This not only enhances the stay for the guest but also increases revenue for the property.
In order to use the Upselling Guest Services Module for Mobile Check-In you must first have Guest Services setup in RoomKey under the Guest Services Module (System Configuration -> Guest Services). To learn more about setting up Guest Services in RoomKey please CLICK HERE to review our Guest Services Training Documents.
This document will review how to configure existing Guest Services to work with Mobile Check-In.
After the PPM Permission has been given, the Upselling Module will appear grayed out under the System Configuration menu. In order to access the module, Clerks must have the System Configuration Clerk Permission => 5060, Upselling:

NOTE: This will also activate the Room Upselling Module within RoomKey, to learn more about the Room Upselling Module CLICK HERE.
To configure Upselling for Guest Services (ie: Enhancements) go to System Configuration => Upselling => Guest Services. Select "Add" and choose the Guest Service you wish to configure from the Guest Service drop down menu.
All active Guest Services configured under System Configuration => Guest Services will appear in the drop down menu EXCEPT for those that are repeatable Weekly & Monthly. Weekly & Monthly Guest Services cannot be setup as Enhancements.
Next, select the Rule Type for the Guest Service:
- All Reservations => there are no restrictions, any guest can book this Guest Service
- Client Type => select specific Client Types that are allowed to book this Guest Service
- Market Segment => select specific Market Types that are allowed to book this Guest Service
- Room Type => select specific Room Types that are allowed to book this Guest Service
- Rate Plan => select specific Rate Plans that are allowed to book this Guest Service
- If Reservation has children on it => Guest Service will only appear if the reservation has children
NOTE: More then 1 rule can be set per Guest Service. If more then 1 rule is setup, the reservation must meet the Criteria of ALL rules in order to be made available for booking. Rules are inclusive.

If a Rule Type offers options for selection (ie: Room Types opens a list of active Room Types), at least 1 option must be selected prior to selecting "Insert". In the example below, we are saying the Pet Fee will only be offered to guests who book a KING-K or QUEEN-QQ Room Type.

Next, enter the Sort Order number in which you would like this Guest Service to appear on the Mobile Check-In Enhancements Page. Enhancements will be sorted from lowest to highest. Select "Insert" to add the Guest Service to your list of Enhancements. After selecting "Insert", continue to add as many Guest Services as you would like, select the "X" in the top right hand corner once finished to return to the main Upselling Guest Services page.

Once a Guest Service has been added and you have returned to the main Upselling Guest Services page, images can now be added for each Guest Service. Select the Guest Service where you wish to upload an image and select the "Add Image" button in the top right hand corner of the screen. A photo description & sort order can be assigned to each Image, once finished, select "OK" to attach the image to the Guest Service.
Images must be in a jpg or jpeg format and must have an aspect ratio of at least 400 by 300. Multiple Images can be uploaded per Guest Service.
Images can be Deleted or Edited at any time using the Delete & Edit buttons found to the right of the screen.
Once you are ready to enable Guest Services on Mobile Check-In, select the "Modify" button in the top left hand corner, check the "Enable Mobile Guest Services" checkbox and select "Save".

Guest Services will now appear during Mobile Check-In under the Enhancements page. The text that displays comes from the Guest Services Module (System Configuration -> Guest Services). Should you wish to modify the text and/or the price, the updates would be made in here, NOT in the Upselling Guest Services Module.
If the price you see in the Upselling Guest Services and Guest Services Module does not match what you see being offered online, then please check the "Seasons" tab in the Guest Services Module. The Seasons tab is used to fluctuate a Guest Service price throughout the year. The "Rate" displayed on the Services Tab is the rate that was entered at the time the Guest Service was created.
All guests will be able to view Enhancements (ie: Upselling Guest Services) during the Mobile Check-In process unless their reservation does not meet a Rule set on a particular Guest Service. For example, the below Pet Fee would only be offered to guests who have booked a KING or QUEEN Room Type. If a guest booked a SUIT Room Type, the Pet Fee would not appear as an available Enhancement during the Mobile Check-In process.
When an Enhancement is available during the Mobile Check-In process, the guest will see the following screen either after they have confirmed their information on the Your Information Page OR if they have Room Upselling enabled, after they have completed the Room Upgrades page.

The "Skip" button can be selected if the guest does not wish to add any Enhancements to their stay. Otherwise, if they select the "Add Enhancement" button, a summary box will appear reviewing the price of the Enhancement and allowing the guest to make any changes to the Quantity before selecting "Yes" to confirm. Below we can see the Pet Fee is $25.00 per night but my pet will only be in the room for the 1st night, so I changed the Quantity on the 2nd night to 0. My total price is therefore $25.00

Once confirmed, the Total Price of the Enhancement will appear on the screen along with the options to "Edit" or "Remove" the Enhancement.
NOTE: As soon as the guest selects "Yes" on an Enhancement it is added to the reservation in RoomKey & if they select "Remove", it will then be immediately removed from the Reservation. Both actions will appear in the Activity Log. The Mobile Check-In does not need to be completed fully in order for Enhancements to be added or removed from a reservation.

An Enhancement will NOT appear as available if a reservation already has the Guest Service attached. For example, if a reservation already has a Pet Fee attached in the Guest Services area, then the "Pet Fee" Enhancement will NOT appear during Mobile Check-In.
After all the desired Enhancements have been selected, the guest would select "Next" to proceed to the Reservation Details screen. On this screen, any Enhancements selected during the Mobile Check-In process AND any Guest Services already attached to the reservation, will appear under the "Other Charge" section of the Reservation Details.

Once the Mobile Check-In is completed the following new steps will occur in RoomKey:
- Guest Service for the selected Enhancement will now be attached to the Reservation
- A Message Center Task will advise the Front Desk that the reservation has a new Enhancement.
- The Activity Log will display the Enhancement Information outlining:
- Amount - the total amount of the Enhancement that was booked
- Enhancement - the name of the Enhancement that was booked
NOTE: If the Enhancement was Modified or Removed during the Mobile Check-In Process, this will also be tracked in the Activity Log. Below we can see that a $50.00 Pet Fee was originally added, it was then modified to be $25.00 and then finally removed. When an Enhancement is removed, you will see the name of the Enhancement only with no Amount.
NOTE: If a no cost Enhancement (ie: Special Request) is setup, the Amount when added will appear as 0.00
A few things to note in regards to Upselling Guest Services:
- A property can offer as many Guest Services as they would like online, there is no limitation, however, the recommended amount is 3 so not to overwhelm the guest.
- Guest Services that are repeated Weekly or Monthly cannot be offered as Enhancements
- If an Upselling Guest Services are configured and then afterwards a Guest Service is made inactive in the Guest Services Module - that Guest Service will NOT be offered as an Enhancement during Mobile Check-In.
- Guest Services with no cost associated with them, that are considered more requests then enhancements, can be configured in Upselling Guest Service if a property wishes. They would appear under Enhancements and display "No Charge" as the price. However, where Enhancements are intended to generate more revenue for a property, it is not recommended to setup these Guest Services up in the Upselling Guest Services module.