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How to Customize Upselling for Mobile Check-In

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Upselling is an enhanced feature that allows you to prompt guests to upgrade their room type during the Mobile Check-In process.

Please note, this is an add-on feature for the Mobile module, you must have Mobile enabled for your property in order to add this Upselling feature. To learn more and add it to your hotel, please contact us directly.

When Upselling is enabled for your property, new features automatically appear in RoomKeyPMS (click below for more information about these new features).

New Upselling features in RoomKeyPMS

In the System Configuration drop-down menu, a new module called Upselling appears in grey. Access to this new module requires a clerk permission to be enabled, follow the steps in the How to give the Upselling permission section below for more information.

In the Room Charge area of the Transaction Codes module, a new Upgrade Room Charge Code drop-down menu appears in the lower-right corner of the module for all room charge codes repeated Daily.

Upselling is not available for weekly-billed or monthly-billed stays; therefore the Upgrade Room Charge Code drop-down menu does not appear for room charges repeated Weekly or Monthly

In the Guest Services module, a new guest service named Upgrade Room Charge appears in the services tab.

You can click the Edit button to change the Code, Name, or Description fields; or use the Vendor and Grouping drop-down menus (optional).

You cannot change the Active or Default checkboxes, nor Repeatable pattern settings or the Transaction Based settings for this guest service

Once you've noted the new Upselling features in RoomKeyPMS, follow these steps to begin using the Upselling module:

  1. Give yourself the Upselling permission: How to give the Upselling permission
  2. Access the Upselling module: How to access and view the Upselling module
  3. Customize the Base Room Type Configuration: How to customize the Base Room Type Configuration
  4. Customize the Room Type Upgrades: How to customize the Room Type Upgrades
  5. Customize the Mobile Check-In Confirmation: How to customize the Mobile Check-In Configuration

Click below for more information:

How to give the Upselling permission

Once Upselling has been added to your property, follow these steps to allow users to access and manage Upselling settings:

In the Clerks module (System Configuration | Clerks)

  1. In the List of Users, select the Clerk name
  2. Select the Permissions tab
  3. In the right-side list of permissions, click the black arrow next to System Configuration to expand the group
  4. Select 5060, Upselling
  5. Select the Give button
  6. Select the Post button

Repeat these steps for each applicable user.

Users will need to logout and log back in for the permission changes to take effect.

How to access and view the Upselling module

To Access Upselling:

  1. Select System Configuration
  2. Select Upselling

In the Upselling module:

  1. Base Room Type Configuration tab: this area is used to assign upgrade levels and images to your guestrooms.
  2. Room Type Upgrades tab: this area is used to create and edit upgrade offers for your guests, please note that room types must be assigned levels and images first before you can create an upgrade.
  3. Mobile Check-In Configuration tab: this area is used to enable the Upselling feature for guests using Mobile Check-In, you can also use this area to restrict upgrade offers by guest client type, market segment, or rate plan.
How to customize Base Room Type Configuration

The following steps demonstrate how to assign levels to your room types; levels are used to organize room types from least expensive to most expensive in preparation for offering upgrades from low levels to higher levels. As part of this configuration, you will add room type images for room types assigned level 2 and higher; you have the option to import Eres images and/or add images from a file.

In the Base Room Type Configuration tab:

  1. Select the Base Room Type
  2. Select the Modify button
  3. Use the Level drop-down menu to assign a level between 1-8
    • levels are used to organize room types from least expensive (Level 1) to most expensive.
    • room types with the same upgrade price can be assigned the same upgrade price.
  4. Use the Displayed Upgrades drop-down menu to assign the maximum number of upgrades that will display for the selected Base Room Type
    • 2 is recommended for this setting to avoid overwhelming online guests with too many options
  5. Select the Save button

Repeat steps 1-5 for each room type that you want to offer room upgrades for.

If you DO NOT want to offer upgrades for one or room types, select Not Configured in the Level drop-down menu.

Add images for all room types assigned level 2 and higher to enhance the upsell experience for your guests.

How to Import Eres Images

In the Base Room Type Configuration tab:

  1. Select the Base Room Type
  2. Select the Import Eres Images button
  3. OPTIONAL: Use the Delete and Edit buttons to remove or edit these images, respectively

How to Add Images from a File

In the Base Room Type Configuration tab:

  1. Select the Base Room Type
  2. Select the Add Image button
  3. In the Open popup window, select the desired image, then click Open
  4. In the Image Resizing popup window:
    1. Enter a description of the photo into the Photo Description field
    2. Designate a Sort Order for this image, if applicable
  5. Select the Ok button to save the photo description and sort order and automatically close the Image Resizing window
  6. OPTIONAL: Use the Delete and Edit buttons to remove or edit the images, respectively

Repeat steps 2-5 to add more images for the selected Base Room Type

How to customize Room Type Upgrades

In the Upselling module:

  1. Select the Room Type Upgrades tab
  2. Select the Add button
  3. Use the Base Room Type drop-down menu to select the applicable room type
  4. Use the Upgrade Room Type to select the room type you want to offer as an upgrade
    • NOTE: you can only offer an upgrade to a room type with a higher level than the selected Base Room Type
  5. Enter a short, one-line statement into the Upgrade Title field to catch the guest's attention and prompt them to upgrade their room type
  6. Use the Upgrade Description field to describe the upgrade room type being offered to the guest
    • If the Use Existing checkbox is enabled, you will see the Room Type Description automatically appear in this field. Room type descriptions are setup in the Property module: How to Add/Modify Room Type Information
  7. Enter the per-night price for this  upgrade into the Upgrade Price / Night field
  8. Click the Active checkbox
  9. Select the Save button
  10. Click the Select Default Image button
  11. In the Image popup window, select a default image to catch the guest's attention
    • TIP: choose an image that corresponds with the Upgrade Title stated above
  12. OPTIONAL: use the Modify or Delete buttons to edit or remove the upgrade settings, respectively
  13. OPTIONAL: use the Select Default Image button to change the selected image that appears when a guest is prompted to upgrade their room type

Repeat steps 2-11 for each new upgrade that you want to offer

TIP: Use the Filter by Base Room Type to filter the list of room type upgrades.

How to customize Check-In Configuration

In the Upselling module:

  1. Select the Mobile Check-In Configuration tab
  2. Select the Modify button
  3. Click the Enable Mobile Upsell checkbox
    • OPTIONAL: use the Client Types tab to select guest client types that you DO NOT want to offer upgrades
    • OPTIONAL: select the Market Segments tab to select guest rate market segments that you DO NOT want to offer upgrades
    • OPTIONAL: select the Rates tab to select guest rates that you DO NOT want to offer upgrades
  4. Select the Save button


Click below for more information:

What does the guest see?

For more information about the Upselling experience from the guest perspective, check out his article: Guest Mobile Check-in with Upselling

How are taxes calculated on the Upgrade Room Charge?

The Upgrade Room Charge code will include the same taxes as the main Room Charge code it is associated with (per the New Upselling features in RoomKeyPMS Room Charge area of the Transaction Codes module), with the exception of DOLLAR amount taxes


A Room Charge code has the following taxes:

  • 5% GST
  • 10% PST
  • $2.50 Resort Fee

The associated Upgrade Room Charge Code will have the following taxes:

  • 5% GST
  • 10% PST

The $2.50 ("DOLLAR" amount) Resort Fee will not apply to the Upgrade Room Charge code.

Can I change the name of the Upgrade guest service?

Yes, in the Guest Services module you can click the Edit button to change the following:

  • Code
  • Name
  • Description
How do I remove the Upgrade guest service from a reservation?

The Upgrade Guest Service CANNOT be removed from a reservation once it has been attached.

However, the price can be altered. If you need to "remove" the Upgrade from a reservation, you must change the guest service price to $0.00. The Upgrade Room Charge guest service will remain on the reservation but no charges will be applied to the Folio.

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