This article reviews the various View Screens and Menu Options located in the PMS
Getting Started
Once you login, the PMS will open to the Default Screen "In House", and display a list of all your In House guests.
NOTE: The Default Screen can be changed on a per user basis in the Clerks Module (System Configuration > Clerks). The options are "In House Screen", "Inventory Calendar" and "Property Dashboard"
To the right of the screen are the different PMS View Screens:
- In House – displays a list of all checked in reservations
- Arrivals – displays a list of all reservations that are scheduled to arrive today
- Departures – displays a list of all reservations that are scheduled to depart today
- Reservations – displays a list of all upcoming reservations in PMS.
- Checked Out – displays a list of checked out reservations in PMS.
- No Show – displays a list of reservations that were not checked in on their Arrival Date. No Show reservations should be cleared out of the system on a nightly basis by Night Audit.
- Cancelled – displays a list of cancelled reservations.
- Wait List – displays a list of reservations that are currently not guaranteed.
- Tape Chart – the Tape Chart provides you with a visual view of reservations that have been assigned to specific room numbers. It is important to note that reservations will only appear on the Tape Chart once a Room Number has been assigned and therefore should NOT be used as a way of determining availability.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Each View Screen will only display reservations for a specific time period. The default is 30 Days, but can be changed in the Preferences Tab of the Property Module (System Configuration > Property > Preferences > Show Reservations For __ Days). Use the Advanced Search (F3) to search for reservations that fall outside of this time period.
Using the Search Field
The white box located below the View Screens is a Search Field. This Search Field is tied to the various reservation headers (ie: Room Type, Name, Date In, Res ID, etc..)
To use this Search Field, first click on the desired header (will sort in ascending or descending order by clicking once or twice) and then type what you are searching for (ie: Room Number, Res ID, Last Name) into the Search Field below.
For example, if you wish to search for a guest by their last name, click on the “Name” header. A little yellow arrow will appear next to the header to indicate that it is actively tied to the search box.
The Function Buttons
Along the top of the PMS are Function Buttons. Depending on which View Screen you are in, different Function Buttons will appear.


This button allows you to create a Walk-In Reservation. Reservations created using this button will automatically be checked into the PMS once the reservation is created and will appear in the In House View Screen.
New Reservation

This button allows you to create a New Reservation. If the arrival date for the reservation being created is today, then the reservation will appear in the Arrivals View Screen. If the arrival date for the reservation being created is a future date, then the reservation will appear in the Reservations View Screen.

This button only appears while you are in the Arrivals View Screen and allows you to check in a selected guest.

This button appears in both the In House and Departures View Screens and allows you to check out a selected guest.
Change Reservation / Change Stay

This button allows you to change a guest reservation. This option is not available in the Checked-Out or Cancelled View Screens. "Change Reservation" will change a guest reservation before it is checked in, "Change Stay" will change a reservation once it is checked in. (You may also double click on a reservation to open the same windows)

This button allows you to cancel a guest reservation.

This button allows you to reinstate a cancelled or checked out guest reservation. (NOTE: If Cancellation Fees are present on the reservation, you must reverse them before the PMS will allow you to reinstate)

This button allows you to view & print a Reservation Report for a specific reservation. This report is intended for Internal Use Only and should not be shared with guests as it will display Guest Notes at the bottom of the report. The format of this report cannot be customized.

This button allows you to view, print & email a Confirmation Report for a specific guest. If this button is selected while in the Cancelled View Screen it will produce a Cancellation Confirmation.
Registration Card

This button allows you to view & print a Registration Card for a specific guest.
Guest Folio

This button allows you to view, print & email a Guest Folio Report for a specific guest.
Post Charges

This button allows you to post a Charge to a guest folio.
Post Payment

This button allows you to post a Payment to a guest folio.
Confirm Request

This button only appears in the Wait List View Screen and allows you to change a Wait List reservation into a Guaranteed Reservation.
If you don't see a menu button?
Sometimes, depending on the DPI settings in your Windows Operating System, you may not be able to view all the Function Buttons that are available under each View Menu. All Function Buttons are tied to the Menu Options in the PMS. If a button does not appear, check your Menu Options to see if the function is available.
The Menu
Along the very top of the PMS are various Menu Options that will allow you to access various areas and perform various functions within the system. These options will change depending on which View Screen you are in.
Front Desk Menu:
- Ability to select the different View Screens
- Ability to change your user password
- Ability to create a Key Card (if property has purchased a Key Card Interface)
- Ability to restrict Telephone Access (if property has purchased a compatible PBX Interface)
- Ability to log out/exit the PMS
Transactions Menu:
- Ability to post a charge or payment
- Ability to move a transaction to a different folio or room
- Ability to increase a guest’s credit limit
- Ability to view a guest’s credit card authorization (if property has purchased a Credit Card Interface)
- Ability to change the appearance of a Guest Folio
- Ability to cancel all No Show Reservations at once
Reservations Menu:
- Ability to create a New Reservation, Walk-In Reservation, New Reservation Add-On
- Ability to Check-In, Check-Out, Change and Cancel a Reservation
- Ability to do a Reservation Search (F3)
- Ability to View Reservation Notes & Guest Shares
- Ability to Attach a Reservation to a Travel Agent
- Ability to view Rooms Not Available List
Reports Menu:
- Ability to print Registration Card, Confirmation Letter, Guest Folio and Reservation Report
- Ability to view & print various different reports located within the PMS
- Ability to create custom reports using the Report Wizard
System Configuration Menu:
- The System Configuration area is where the majority of the PMS setup is completed (ie: Rates, Room Types, Room Numbers, Client Types, Clerks, etc…). Access to this area may be restricted by Management.
Operations Menu:
- The Operations area is where you can access various different Modules within the PMS (ie: Guest Profile, Groups, Housekeeping, Maintenance, City Ledger, Corporate, etc…). Access to certain areas may be restricted by Management.
- Ability to view the Activity Log for specific Res ID’s or Users
- Ability to run a “Verify Calendar” to ensure that the Inventory Calendar is balanced
Export/Import Menu:
- If an Accounting Export Interface (ie: Quickbooks, Acomba, etc..) has been purchased from RSI, the export will be available from this menu
Advanced Search (Adv. Search) Menu:
- Selecting this Menu brings up the Advance Search screen where you can search for past, present & future guest reservations
Help Menu:
- Ability to access the PMS Support Library
- Ability to view the Version and Build of the PMS that you are currently running on.
The Main Screen
The middle of the PMS screen contains all the guest reservations pertaining to the View Screen that is selected.
The image above displays the In House View Screen. The reservation headers will basically stay the same through each View Screen with a few exceptions.
NOTE: Headers can sort the guest data when selected. For example, if you click on the “Room” header, the Room Numbers will then sort in numerical order.
- Res ID – this column displays the Reservation ID for this reservation
- Rate – this column displays the average rate for this booking
- Rate Code – this column displays which Rate Plan the guest has booked
- Ad/Ch – displays the number of adults and children for this reservation
- Cancel # - displayed only while in the Cancelled View Screen. Shows the reservation Cancellation Number.
Shares Icon

This icon represents Guest Shares and appears next to a Reservation if the guest is sharing the room with two or more people (assuming the Guest Share tab was filled out on the reservation). Double click on this icon to view the Guest Share information. This feature will be discussed further in the “Creating a Reservation” section of this document.
Reservation Notes Icon

This icon represents Reservation Notes that were added to the Guest Reservation. Double click the icon next to the guest name to read the Reservation Notes.
Repeat Guest Icon

This icon represents a repeat or returning guest. If you double click on the icon, it will open their profile in the Guest Profile (F7) screen.
The Header
- Room – this column displays the reservation Room Number
- Room Type – this column displays the reservation Room Type
- Name – this column displays the Guest Name
- Date In – this column displays the Arrival Date
- Date Out – this column displays the Departure Date
- Stay – this column displays how many nights the guest is into their stay when in the In House View Screen, how many nights until their stay in the Reservation View Screen and how many nights the guest stayed in the Checked Out View Screen.
- Res ID – this column displays the Reservation ID for this reservation. The Reservation ID is also the Confirmation Number
- Rate – this column displays the average rate for this booking. Because Packages contain other components aside from Room Charges, rates for Packages will not be displayed, and will appear blank.
- Rate Code – this column displays which Rate Plan the guest has booked
- Ad/Ch – displays the number of adults and children for this reservation
- Cancel # - displayed only while in the Cancelled View Screen. Shows the reservation Cancellation Number.
Guest Info Tab
The lower half of the PMS screen displays Guest Information and the Guest Folio.
To view the Guest Information select the “Guest Info” tab. The Guest Info tab displays all the information that pertains to a Guest Reservation.