Support Centre

How to Create a Reservation for a Group Guest

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The following steps review how to create a reservation for Group Guests that need to be attached to a specific Group Block in the PMS.

NOTE: Group reservations may also be entered via the Rooming List of the Group Wizard.

"Reservation is Expired" message

You have 5 minutes to complete the booking process, if you do not complete the booking process within this time you will receive a message that the reservation has expired.

"Reservation is Expired" message

Refreshing reservation

To refresh and complete your reservation:

  1. Go to the Calendar Tab,
  2. Uncheck the checkbox under the Book column
  3. Select the Refresh button to ensure the room is still available
  4. Recheck the checkbox under the Book column
  5. Select OK to create the reservation.
Refreshing reservation

Reviewing the completed Reservation

Once created, the reservation will then appear in the PMS. Notice the highlighted fields showing the Group Information for this booking.

Reviewing the completed Reservation
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