The following article reviews how City Ledger Invoices are set up, and shows how the invoice may be customized. This is for advanced users, and is not recommended as a general practice. For questions regarding Invoice Customization, please contact PMS Support during regular business hours.
The PMS offers the option to create a Customized Invoice to better suit your property or a particular client. You can create several different custom invoices within the City Ledger. To create a Custom Invoice go to Operations > City Ledger and select the Create Invoice Template menu at the top of the screen.

This will open the City Invoice Designer.

Understanding the Invoice Fields
The following report template appears after New Template is selected. Note that there are two types of fields:
- Text fields contain text that can be altered to suit your property. Changes to these fields will not have any affect on your report and can be altered by double clicking on the field. All the Text Fields are highlighted in blue below.
- Information fields contain formulas that allow the PMS to pull the appropriate information into the invoice. Use caution when dealing with these areas as we do not want incorrect information being pulled into our report. All the Information Fields are highlighted in red below.

Altering a Text Field
- Double click on the field you wish to alter
- Text Editor box will appear
- Change text that appears in the box to desired text
- Select the check-mark to save changes

Altering an Information Field
- Double click on the field you wish to alter
- Text Editor box will appear
- Delete current information found in the top box

- Select the Insert Information button in the top left hand corner to open the Expression Builder

- Select the Data Field button to open Insert Data Field
- Find desired information in Insert Data Field box and hit OK
- Select OK in Expression Builder
- Select check-mark on Text Editor to save changes

Adding Text to Bottom of Invoice
To add text to the Custom Invoice we simply copy & paste a text box field and then write the message into it. After pasting the new text box we will drag it to the bottom of our Custom Invoice and stretch it to fit the message.

Now use the black dot in the bottom right hand corner to stretch the box to the desired height & length.

Next, double click on the text box and the Text Editor box will appear. Insert the desired text and click on the word wrap button so the text configures properly. Click the check-mark when finished to save changes.

The text will display in the field, which may be resized if needed to display all text entered.

Follow this path to save the Invoice in the correct folder:
C:\Program Files (x86)\RoomKeyPMS\Reports\CityInvoice
Enter a name for the Custom Invoice, click the Save button.

The new Custom Invoice will now appear in City Invoice Designer screen.

Printing Custom Invoices
There are two ways to print a Custom Invoice:
- Locate the Invoice you wish to print in the Open Invoices tab and then go to Reports > Invoice > Select Custom Invoice
- Locate the Invoice you wish to print, and double click on the Invoice to open the Details for Invoice screen. Select the Print Invoice button at the bottom of the screen. When asked if you would like to print the default invoice, click No

Custom Invoice #1