The Message Center in the PMS can be used to create tasks, or communicate between staff, departments, and even chained properties. The following article reviews how to create a Log Book entry.
- Go to Operations > Message Center
- Select New Entry
NOTE: The ideal function of the Log Book is to have 1 entry per day, with each person adding information into the same Log Book entry. Another possible method is to have several Log Book entries, one for each shift (ie: AM, PM, Night Audit)

Logbook Entry/Task will be selected. No other items should be selected.

At the bottom of the screen, enter the subject of the entry into the Subject line. Input the comments into the blank space below.
Select Send to create the entry and send a notice to all staff that it has been created.

The Log Book entry will now appear under the Log Entries tab. To view a Log Entry, simply double click on the box containing the entry you wish to view.
NOTE: Similar to emails, once an entry is sent, it cannot be changed, or deleted from the PMS. Log Book entries are permanent records.

The Sent Items tab will show that the message was sent to all clerks notifying them of a new Log Book entry.
The columns are:
- The icon for Log Entries
- The name of the message sender
- The Subject from the Log Book entry
- The list of recipients for the message, and how many have read the message
- The time the message was sent today. Tomorrow, this will show the original date the message was sent

All Clerks will then receive a notification that they have a new message. This message will appear while logged into the PMS, and will also appear when a user first logs in (approx 30 seconds after logging in). By clicking the Click to View link, the user will be brought directly to the Message Center in the PMS.
When a Clerk logs into the PMS and goes to the Message Center, any unread Log Entry messages will appear in green under the Log Entries tab. Once a message is read, it will appear in white.

As Clerks read the message, the number of Read by: in the Sent Items folder will increase.