The following article reviews how to create a task and attach it to a specific reservation.
Tasks for Specific Reservations can be created one of two ways:
- Within the Message Center by going to Operations > Message Center
- Directly on the Guest Reservation via the Tasks tab
Option 1: Tasks via the Message Center
- Proceed to Operations > Message Center
- Click New Entry at the bottom

Step 1
Check the box next to Create as a Task, then select the date when the Task is due. Use the drop down calendar to select the date, and then manually enter the time using a 24hr clock format (ie: for 5pm, enter 17:00).

Step 2
To assign this task to a specific reservation, check the box next to Attach to a Reservation, then click the Search Res ID button.

Step 3
There is an option to set up to two reminders for this task, a few days, hours, or minutes before the task is due.
- To set a reminder, check the box next to “Reminder #1” and select how far in advance the reminder should be set
- To set a 2nd reminder check the box next to “Reminder #2” and and select how far in advance the 2nd reminder should be set
NOTE: The repeatable option is not available for tasks assigned to specific Res ID’s. It is only available for General Tasks.

Step 4
There are 4 options in regards to Message Recipients:
To send the task to yourself ONLY
- check the box beside Add to My Tasks Listing only
To send the task to yourself & all your Clerks
- check the box beside Add to My Tasks Listing
- check the box next to All Staff
To send the task Everyone but yourself
- do NOT check the box next to Add to My Tasks Listing
- check the box next to All Staff
To send the task to selected Clerks
- check the box next to the specific Clerk(s) to set this task for. If Departments have been setup, select the Department(s) to send the message to (as in screen shot below).

Step 5
The last step is to enter the Subject and instructions regarding the task. When finished, click Send to save and send the task to the selected recipients.

The task will then appear under the My Tasks tab for all recipients.
NOTE: Tasks are deleted from the PMS 30 days after they are completed.

The task will also appear under the Sent Items tab. It shows the title of the Task, how many people the task was sent to (8 people), and how many have read the task so far (0 people).

The task will also appear on the Guest Reservation.
To view the task:
- Click Change Stay/Res and proceed to the Tasks tab
- right click on the reservation and select Show Tasks

By double clicking on the task (either under the My Tasks tab or under the Sent Items tab), the task will open. Within the task there are several options:
- Set Task as Complete? - Checking this box marks the task as complete, and will insert a comment to let everyone know that it has been completed (by the person that checked it). NOTE: Tasks are automatically deleted from the PMS 30 days after they have been completed.
- Add Comment – click to add a comment to this task without completing it
- Who’s Read? - click to view who's read the task
- Delete – click to delete the task. NOTE: Only the person that set the task can delete the task
- Edit – click to edit the task. NOTE: Only the person that set the task can edit the task
NOTE: The Operations Clerk Permission - 1553 Allow View/Edit of Tasks by Other Users allows a user that has the permission to view/edit/delete tasks created by other users (by doing a Search under the “Sent Items” tab for tasks that are “Created By” a selected User). If a task that has been read by other users is deleted, a message will be sent to those users to notify them that the task has been deleted.

Option 2: Tasks via the Guest Reservation
To create a Task directly on a Guest Reservation, locate the Guest Reservation and select Change Stay/Res to enter the reservation. Once in the Guest Reservation proceed to the Tasks tab.
NOTE: When setting up a Task at the time of creating a Guest Reservation, please note that the Tasks tab will not appear until a check is placed under the Book column, as this is when a Res ID is assigned to the reservation.

Click New Task button to create a new task.

Step 1
Check the box next to Create as a Task, then select the date when the Task is due. Use the drop down calendar to select the date, and then manually enter the time using a 24hr clock format (ie: for 5pm, enter 17:00).

Step 2
There is an option to set up to two reminders for this task, a few days, hours, or minutes before the task is due.
- To set a reminder, check the box next to “Reminder #1” and select how far in advance the reminder should be set
- To set a 2nd reminder check the box next to “Reminder #2” and and select how far in advance the 2nd reminder should be set
NOTE: The repeatable option is not available for tasks assigned to specific Res ID’s. It is only available for General Tasks.

Step 3
There are 4 options in regards to Message Recipients:
To send the task to yourself ONLY
- check the box beside Add to My Tasks Listing only
To send the task to yourself & all your Clerks
- check the box beside Add to My Tasks Listing
- check the box next to All Staff
To send the task Everyone but yourself
- do NOT check the box next to Add to My Tasks Listing
- check the box next to All Staff
To send the task to selected Clerks
- check the box next to the specific Clerk(s) to set this task for. If Departments have been setup, select the Department(s) to send the message to (as in screen shot below).

Step 4
The last step is to enter the Subject and instructions regarding the task. When finished, click Send to save and send the task to the selected recipients.

The Task will now appear in the Tasks tab of the reservation.

To view this task at any time:
- Go to Operations > Messages > My Tasks tab
- Right click on the Guest Reservation and select Show Tasks

By double clicking on the task (either under the My Tasks tab or under the Sent Items tab), the task will open. Within the task there are several options:
- Set Task as Complete? - Checking this box marks the task as complete, and will insert a comment to let everyone know that it has been completed (by the person that checked it). NOTE: Tasks are automatically deleted from the PMS 30 days after they have been completed.
- Add Comment – click to add a comment to this task without completing it
- Who’s Read? - click to view who's read the task
- Delete – click to delete the task. NOTE: Only the person that set the task can delete the task
- Edit – click to edit the task. NOTE: Only the person that set the task can edit the task
NOTE: The Operations Clerk Permission - 1553 Allow View/Edit of Tasks by Other Users allows a user that has the permission to view/edit/delete tasks created by other users (by doing a Search under the “Sent Items” tab for tasks that are “Created By” a selected User). If a task that has been read by other users is deleted, a message will be sent to those users to notify them that the task has been deleted.