Support Centre

Reports Webinar

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This is an introduction to several basic reports and additional reporting tools available in RoomKeyPMS.

Basic Reports

There are 7 reports described in this webinar; it is recommended that all Key Operators are aware of how to access them and use this information at their hotel. 

Click below for more information:

SmartFile Backup

RoomKeyPMS requires access to the internet; but if you cannot connect to the internet in an emergency, use the SmartFile Backup reports to operate your hotel manually until the internet connection is restored.

Transaction Register Balance

The Summary version of the Transaction Register Balance report is used to view a list of all charges, room charges, payments and taxes recorded on a specific date, or date range. 

If a value is incorrect on the summary version, you can use the Detail - with Guest Names version to view each transaction, including ResID, room number, and the name of the Clerk that posted it. 

Activity Log

The Activity Log can be used in two ways:

  • View all changes made to one reservation
  • View all reservation changes by one user (ClerkID) on a specific date
Unbalanced Folios

This report should be viewed Daily to identify any unbalanced folios in the database.

For more information about using this report and resolving unbalanced folios, please see the following support articles:

Essential Balancing & Balance Checks

This report should viewed and balance checks should be performed Daily to identify and resolve any errors in revenue reporting. 

For more information about using this report and troubleshooting imbalances, please see the following support articles:

Daily Operating Report

This report can be used to view statistical revenue information for a specific date in the past. 

You can use the following support article to learn how to add custom groups to this report: How to use Tran Code Setup

Journal Entry

This is report may be used by the Accounting team to view a list of debits and credits for each General Ledger (GL) Account for a specific day or date range. 

Additional Reporting Tools

There are 80+ reports available in RoomKeyPMS and this presentation highlights several tools that can be used to access them as well as the Report Wizard that you can use to build your own custom reports.

Click below for more information:

Reports Menu
Module Reports
Accounting Export
RoomKey InSight B.I.

This reporting tool is suitable for owners or managers that oversee the operations at two or more hotels. To request access to RoomKey InSight B.I. please contact [email protected] 

Report Wizard

You can use the following support article to create the Transaction Code Usage report using your Report Wizard tool: Report Example 4: Transaction Code Usage

For more information about creating custom reports, and how-to guides for other common custom reports, please see the following support articles: Report Wizard

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