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How to Access & Manage Market Segments from the Rate Wizard

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A Market Segment must be attached to each rate plan. This article shows you how to create and manage market segments, including:

How To Access Market Segments from the Rate Wizard

In the Rate Wizard Module

  1. Select the MARKET SEGMENTS button

The Market Segment tab of the Property Master window will appear

How To Create a New Market Segment

In the Market Segment tab of the Property Master window

  1. Select the Add button
  2. Enter the following:
    • Market Segment Name
    • Sort Order (optional)
  3. Select the Ok button

How To Edit an Existing Market Segment

In the Market Segment tab of the Property Master window

  1. Select the Market Segment
  2. Select the Modify button
  3. Change any of the following:
    • Name or Sort Order
  4. Select the Ok button

How To Delete a Market Segment

In the Market Segment tab of the Property Master window

  1. Select the Market Segment
  2. Select the Delete button
  3. In the Confirm window, select the Yes button
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