Creating a Tiered Rate in the Rate Wizard is a multi-step process that includes:
- creating a rate plan
- enabling rate tiering
- making the rate bookable through designated distribution channels
Click below for more information:
In the Rate Wizard
- Select the New button (+ symbol)
- In the Create/Update Rate window, complete the following fields:
- Category
- Rate Name
- Rate Code
- Enable at least one of the following Distribution Channels:
- Direct Hotel, CRS, Hotel Website, or GDS
- Select the applicable Market Segment in the drop-down menu
- Type a Description for the rate plan
- Select the Create button
In the Rate Wizard
- Select the Rate Plan
- Select the Next button
- Select the Rate Tiering tab
- Enable the Enable Rate Tiering checkbox and complete the following:
- Enable at least one of the Apply for checkboxes
- Use the drop-down menu to select a Rate Tiered off of
- Enter the applicable Calculation Formula
- Select a Rounding Type (optional)
- Select the Save button
In the Rate Wizard
- Select the Rate Plan
- Select the Edit button (Pen & Paper symbol)
- In the Create/Update Rate window, select the Client Types tab
- Click the swivel arrow next to each distribution channel to expand a list of client types; select at least each one client type per distribution channel
- Select the Update button