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How to Create a Tiered Rate in the Rate Wizard

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Creating a Tiered Rate in the Rate Wizard is a multi-step process that includes: 

  1. creating a rate plan
  2. enabling rate tiering
  3. making the rate bookable through designated distribution channels

Click below for more information:

STEP #1 Create a New Rate Plan

In the Rate Wizard

  1. Select the New button (+ symbol)
  2. In the Create/Update Rate window, complete the following fields:
    • Category
    • Rate Name
    • Rate Code
  3. Enable at least one of the following Distribution Channels:
    • Direct Hotel, CRS, Hotel Website, or GDS
  4. Select the applicable Market Segment in the drop-down menu
  5. Type a Description for the rate plan
  6. Select the Create button
STEP #2 Enable Rate Tiering

In the Rate Wizard

  1. Select the Rate Plan
  2. Select the Next button
  3. Select the Rate Tiering tab
  4. Enable the Enable Rate Tiering checkbox and complete the following:
    • Enable at least one of the Apply for checkboxes
    • Use the drop-down menu to select a Rate Tiered off of
    • Enter the applicable Calculation Formula
    • Select a Rounding Type (optional)
  5. Select the Save button
STEP #3 Make the Rate Bookable

In the Rate Wizard

  1. Select the Rate Plan
  2. Select the Edit button (Pen & Paper symbol)
  3. In the Create/Update Rate window, select the Client Types tab
  4. Click the swivel arrow next to each distribution channel to expand a list of client types; select at least each one client type per distribution channel
  5. Select the Update button
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