This report will show a list of rate plans that are linked to 3rd-party entities via the GDS distribution channel.
Click below for more information:
Example of the GDS Rate Links Report

This report will contain the following information:
- The name of the 3rd-party entity, or GDS connection. In the example above, Synxis is the name of the GDS connection for RoomKeyPMS Hotel
- Rate plans are grouped by Room Type Code
- GDS Rate is the rate plan code used to identify this rate plan in your GDS hotel portal
- RoomKey Rate is the rate plan name used to identify this rate plan in RoomKeyPMS
- Client Type is the default client type that should be attached when a booking flows into RoomKeyPMS
- Corporate Account is the default account that should be attached when a booking flows into RoomKeyPMS, if applicable
Derived setting will state Yes or No
- Yes indicates that the rate price is dependent or determined by another rate plan price (typically a Rack Rate or BAR)
- No indicates that the rate price is independent and not determined by another rate plan price