To delete an existing Yield Management setup, proceed to Operations > Yield Management.
The Yield Management screen will appear. Choose the appropriate Rate Grouping (Rate Categories or Room Types) for the Yield Management being modified.
- Ensure the black arrow is pointing towards the correct Rate Category (or Room Type)
- Click View Rate Yields
A list of all Room Types and their corresponding Rate Plans will appear.
Select the following:
- The Room Type & Rate Plan where the yield settings are to be removed from (ensure the black arrow is pointing towards the correct Room Type & Rate Plan)
- The yielding to be removed (select the appropriate date range in the lower left hand box)
- Click Remove
A message will appear asking you if you are sure you want to delete the selected date range.
Select Yes to continue.
If modifying yielding with the Rate Category Grouping, a message will be displayed asking this change should be applied to any other rates in the Rate Category.
Select Yes to apply the change to any other rates, or No if the change made was for this rate only.
- Existing reservations will not be affected by this change. Whatever rate the guest booked will remain on the reservation.
- If a change is made to an existing reservation that affects the rate (ie: the number of people in the room), the new yield parameters will then be applied to the booking, and the old yield parameters will no longer be available.