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How to Set Cut-Off Days on a Rate Plan (So it Is Only Available if Booked X Number of Nights in Advance)

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In this article we will show how to set Cut-Off Dates on existing Rate Plans.  NOTE:  This feature is intended to be used as a way to offer guests a discounted rate for booking in advance.  It cannot be used as a way to prevent same day bookings.  

Select Rate then Choose the Edit Button

RoomKey allows you to set Cutoff Days on individual Rate Plans. By setting Cutoff Days, you are telling RoomKey that this Rate is not available X Days before booking.  This feature is available for Rates available in RoomKey and on the eRes Online Booking Engine.  It is not available for any GDS Rate Plans and will not flow through the GDS Interface.

Select Rate then Choose the Edit Button

Add the Cutoff day you would like for this Rate Plan

The Cutoff Day is based on the day the reservation is being made (ie: Reservation Date).  For example: We want to encourage guests to book in advance, therefore we are offering a 30 Day Advance Rate which provides the guest with a 20% discount on the Room Rate if they book more then 30 days in advance. Therefore, we set the Cutoff Days to 30 on the 30 Day Advance Rate Plan.

Add the Cutoff day you would like for this Rate Plan

Test your Cutoff Date by making a Reservation

In this example, today is July 1st, 2020.  If I try to book the 30 Day Advance Rate for July 3rd,  it will NOT appear because it is within the 30 day Cutoff.

Test your Cutoff Date by making a Reservation

Testing your work Con't

If I try to book the Advanced Purchase Rate for July 31st, it will appear because it falls outside the 30 day Cutoff.  If you wanted the rate to be available on the 30th day out, you would set your Cutoff Days to 29 and then the rate would be available on the 30th day.

Therefore when you set your Cutoff Days, the number reflects how many days out (not including today) that the rate will be unavailable for sale.

Testing your work Con't
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