This article will show how to work with your existing Rate Plan. Including increasing, decreasing and extending these rate plans.
Select your Rate Plan
To extend, increase or decrease the rates on an existing Rate Plan go to the System Configuration -> Rates Wizard. Select the Rate Plan that you wish to change (ensure it is highlighted) and then select the Next button.
Working with your Rate Template
The top section of the General Tab is your Rate Template. The first line represents your Base Rate (outlined in red) and this is where you will enter the rate for your lowest Room Type.
Rate Variance- How it affects your Rate Plan
The grid below reflects the template that you saved when you first create the Rate Plan. This grid reflects the variance between Room Types in your Rate Plan. Here we can see that the SK is $10.00 more than our Base Rate and our DQQ is $25.00 more than our Base Rate. So whatever we change our Base Rate to, these Room Types will always be $10.00 or $25.00 more than the Base Rate.
Rate Variance Continued
We can also see that the DQQ is $25 more than the base rate, but we also see that they charge $10 more for additional guests. The EKS room type is $235 more than the Base Rate. This room type can accommodate more than 4 guests and each additional guest is charged $10. Having your grid set up this way makes for easy increasing, decreasing of the Rate Plan.
Changing your Rate Template- Unlocking the Grid
If you wish to change your Rate Template at anytime, simply uncheck the Lock the Grid box located to the right of the screen and proceed to make the desired changes to your template. The "Update Rate Template" button would then be pressed if you wished to save changes to your template. Also if you do NOT want a specific Room Type to be affected by the changes you are making, you would uncheck the Lock the Grid checkbox and then uncheck (double-click) the box next to the Room Type that you do NOT want to be affected by the changes you are about to do.
Updating your Rate Plan
Assuming that no changes are being made to the template, proceed to insert the new rate. Here we have increased our Base Rate to $150.00 and you can see that all the Rates below have increased accordingly based on my Rate Template. NOTE: You would enter your Single/Double/Triple/Quad Rates, if you charge for an extra 3rd or 4th person in the room ensure you increase your Base Rate accordingly. Since your Extra and Child are already filled into your template, you do NOT need to input those figure unless you are increasing these fees as well.
Next, select the operation you wish to perform, in this situation, we wish to "Update Rate Amounts" therefore we will check the box next to "Update Rate Amounts" Next, review the distribution channels (ie: Direct Hotel/CRS/GDS/Hotel Website) that you wish to be affected by this change. Select Save to make the desired changes
A message will appear to confirm the areas you wish to update. Below we see that we are about to update Rate Amounts. Hit OK to continue.

The next message will appear only if you have other Rates tiered off the Rate Plan that you are changing. If you wish for all other rates that are tiered off this Rate Plan to be affected by the change, select Yes.