In this article we will show some of the Rate Wizard related reports available to you.
Choose any Rate Plan
System Configuration > Rate Wizard.
Select the Next button located in the bottom right hand corner of the screen.
Note: To print these reports, any rate can be selected.
Select your Report
The following menu will be displayed. There are 4 report options:
- Rate Templates
- Rate Template Tiering
- GDS Rate Linkings
- Rate Plan Audit
1. Rate Templates Report
The Rate Templates Report shows the Rate Templates, as well as the following information. You can choose to display this info for all rates, or for specifically selected rates:
- If the Rate is Active or Inactive
- Rate Types that the rate is setup on (ie: Hotel Direct/GDS/CRS/Hotel Website)
- Min/Max Person Settings
- Min/Max Length of Stay Settings
- Tiering that is Setup on Rate (if applicable)
- Client Types where the Rate is attached
- Corporate Accounts where the Rate is attached
2. Rate Template Tiering Report
The Rate Template Tiering Report shows you how all the rates within your Rate Wizard are tiered off one another. You can see that there can be several levels of tiering. Here you can see the tiered % or amount and if the tiering affects Rates, Closed/Closed to Arrivals and/or Length of Stay Restrictions.
3. GDS Rate Linking
This report only applies to properties that have a GDS Interface. This report displays what Rate Plans you have linked between your GDS provider and RoomkeyPMS.
If there are rates linked on this list that you know to be Inactive on your GDS, please inform RoomkeyPMS Support ([email protected]) so that we may unlink the Rates.
If there are rates missing on this list that you know to be Active on your GDS, please inform RoomkeyPMS Support ([email protected]) so that we me link the Rates.
In order to link the Rates, please provide us with the following information:
- GDS PMS Code (ie: LDC)
- Corresponding RoomKey Rate Plan (ie: Orbitz)
- Corresponding RoomKey Client Type (ie: GDS Third Party)
- Corresponding RoomKey Corporate Account – only if applicable (ie: Orbitz)
4. Rate Plan Audit
The Rate Plan Audit report will display distribution channels grouped by room type, for each rate plan in the Rate Wizard. When accessing the report, you have the ability to Hide Empty Rate Plans and/or Export to CSV.