The following article reviews the Occupancy and Revenue Forecast - Transient vs. Group Report, which offers forecasted Tag-based reporting in the PMS.
Occupancy and Revenue Forecast – Transient vs Group Report
Reports > Forecasts > Occupancy and Revenue Forecast – Transient vs Group

When Running the Report, the option will be given to run the report with “No Tags”, this will give overall hotel production during the selected date range:

The other option is to Filter by Tag, which will give production only for that Tag during the selected date range:

If using the Tag Filter on the Report, the Tag will show in the header at the top the Report.

This report can be produced for future dates, and is meant to be paired with the Statistics Report Room Occupancy and Revenue Actual – Transient vs Group. There is no date range limit on this report, however, the larger the date range selected, the longer it will take for the report to produce data. The report shows a detailed overview of forecasted occupancy and revenue information, focusing on separating Group and Wholesale business from Transient business.
The report includes:
- Date
- Day of the Week
- Out of Order (OOO)
- Transient (Corporate) Rooms
- Transient (Corporate) Guests (adult, children)
- Transient (Corporate) Occupancy %
- Transient (Corporate) Room Revenue
- Transient (Corporate) Guests ADR
- Group Rooms
- Group Guests (adult and children)
- Group Occupancy %
- Group Room Revenue
- Group Guests ADR
- Wholesale Rooms
- Wholesale Guests (adult and children)
- Wholesale Occupancy %
- Wholesale Room Revenue
- Wholesale Guests ADR
When would this report be useful?
- This report can be used to compare business levels from month to month, or year to year. Can help with budget forecasting for the next year
- This report has a clear distinction between Transient (Corporate) Revenue/Group Revenue/Wholesale Revenue