This report produces a breakdown of reservations that were checked out, broken down by Sources of Business.
Reports > Statistics > Checked out by Source of Business Report
The report groups by Source of Business, and then sorts by Res ID.
There are two options for viewing this report:
- Detail
- Summary
Please note that the Detailed version of this report will include House Account reservation details, however the Summary version of this report will not include reservation counts, number of nights, or room revenue accrued from House Account reservations.
The Detail report includes:
- Source of Business
- Res ID
- Room Type
- Rate Code
- Rate
- Guest Name
- Client Type
- Reservation Date
- Date In (Arrival Date)
- Date Out (Departure Date)
- Deposit
Below is the Detailed version of the report.
The Summary version of the report includes:
- Source of Business
- Number of Reservations
- Room Nights
- Room Charges
- Average Daily Rate
Below is the Summary version of the report.
When would I use this report?
- This report can be used to view a detailed (or summarized) list of reservations that have checked out, broken down by Source of Business.