This report shows all Travel Agent Accounts based on the revenue that they produced. There is an option to show all records, or select a specific number (ie: to view the top 10, change this number to 10), as well as to sort the Travel Agent Accounts from Highest to Lowest producing, or from Lowest to Highest.
Reports > Statistics > Travel Agent Statistics
This report is sorted based on revenue.
NOTE: This report does not produce forecasted numbers.
The report includes:
- Travel Agency Name
Year To Date
- Revenue
- Nights
- ADR (Average Daily Rate)
- LOS (Length of Stay)
Previous Year To Date
- Revenue
- Nights
- ADR (Average Daily Rate)
- LOS (Length of Stay)

When closing the report, there is an option to save it as a CSV file, which can be opened with Excel.

When would I use this report?
- This report is used to help identify top performing Travel Agent Accounts. It provides Year to Date, and Previous Year to Date information, and shows how much revenue Travel Agents are producing on a year to year basis.