Reports > Reservations > Cancellation and Early Check out by Reason
This report is a breakdown by Reason of reservations that have been canceled or have checked out early.
The report provides a total of Lost Room Nights and Revenue due to cancellations and early check-outs.
NOTE: The list of reasons for cancellations and early check-outs must be manually configured before this report can be used. They can be created by going to System Configuration > Property > Reasons tab. Choose Cancel/Checkout Reasons from the drop down list. See the article Reasons Tab for more information.
The report includes:
- Cancellation/Earlier CheckOut Reason
- Lost Nights
- Lost Revenue

When would I use this report?
- Used to help determine how much revenue is being lost due to cancellations and early check-outs
- Shows the reasons why cancellations are being made, and why guests are checking out early