The Occupancy & Revenue Forecast provides future occupancy and revenue forecasting. It contains room occupancy forecasts which include revenue and occupancy as well as ADR.
Occupancy and revenue including block contains block, occupancy and revenue as well as ADR for group blocks even if reservations have not been made out of the blocks. Once a group block is dropped the block number changes to reflect this as well as the revenue.
Wholesalers are also accounted for in this report, in the same way groups are.
Reports > Forecasts > Occupancy & Revenue Forecast
The report includes:
- Arrival (Room & Persons)
- In House (Room & Persons)
- Departure (Room & Persons)
- Rooms Occupied (Rm Occ)
- Occupancy Percentage (Occ %)
- Rooms Vacant (Rm Vac)
- Room Revenue (Rm Rev)
- Stayover (Rooms & Persons)
- Block
- Occupancy & Revenue Including Block
- Rooms Occupied (Rm Occ)
- Occupancy Percentage (Occ %)
- Rooms Vacant (Rm Vac)
- Room Revenue (Rm Rev)