After a guest checks in, it is not uncommon for certain details regarding their stay to change, such as room numbers, departure dates, number of people in the room, or rates. The purpose of this task is to ensure the information on the Registration Cards matches the information in the PMS.
Printing the Room Audit
For properties that require a daily "Bucket Check" to be done, the report to perform this task is under Reports > Audits > Room Audit.

Using the Room Audit Report, compare it against the information on the Registration Cards in the bucket at the Front Desk.
Below is an example of the Room Audit Report. It will show every room in the property, and whether it is occupied or vacant, the Housekeeping Status, Guests Names, Arrival/Departure dates, Res IDs, Number of People, Rate, Charges, Payments and Payment Method. This information should be compared to what is on the Registration Card, to see what has changed (if anything) since the guest checked in.
Performing the Bucket Check
In the below example, room 508 is showing as vacant. In the bucket, there is a registration card for John Webber, with Res ID 1384, that indicated he is supposed to be checked into this room until August 28th. Because there is a variance between the information in the PMS and what is on the Registration Card, further investigation is required.
Using the Advanced Search (F3)
- Enter the Res ID
- Click Search
- In the below example we can see that John Webber is now in Room 211

Confirming via Activity Log
Another way of confirming changes to a reservation is to use the Activity Log. It can be found under Operations > Activity Log.

- Enter the Res ID
- Click Show

Looking under the Parameters column, click the "+" icon to open up the detailed view. In this example we are looking at the Check-In Res line, and the second Create/Modify Res line. From this we can see the following:
- The guest was checked into room 508 on August 25th at 2:48pm
- The guest moved to room 211 on August 26th at 3:48pm

The criteria being confirmed in a Bucket Check can vary from property to property, however the Room Audit report, Activity Log and the Advanced Search are the main tools that will be used during this procedure.