The following article explains how to check a guest reservation into the PMS.
STEP 1: Locate the Guest on the Arrivals screen
You can locate the guest reservation using either your F3 Advanced Search Function, or you can click on your Arrivals view screen and locate the guest in the list of arrivals.
STEP 2: Check-In
Select the “Check-In” button at the top of the screen (or select the F5 function key)
The Check-In Screen
The Guest Check-In box will appear.
- Show Clean/Inspected Only – when this box is checked, only rooms that are marked as Clean/Inspected in the Housekeeping Module will appear under the “Room Number” drop down menu
- Show All Available Rooms – this box corresponds with the button located just beside the Room Number [...]. When this box is checked, if you click on the [...] button, a list of all available rooms will appear. This allows you to select a different Room Type for the guest without having to exit the check-in process. IMPORTANT NOTE: Changing Room Types this way does not affect the price of the reservation.

Repeat Guests
Repeat Guests are indicated by this icon.
You will also see this on the main view screens in the PMS.

Identifying VIPs
This icon will appear on the Check-In screen if the guest has been noted as a VIP Guest.
You will also see the guest reservation highlighted in green on the main view screens of the PMS, indicating VIP status.

View Guest Information
View Guest Info – clicking this button will bring you to the Guest Profile Module so that you may view this guest's profile.

Room Number
Room Number – this drop down menu allows you to select a different room number then the one that was pre-assigned. The colors of the radial dials to the right reflect the current Housekeeping Status of the room.
NOTE: The colour of the lamps next to the Room Numbers indicate the Housekeeping Status of each room number at this moment.
- Green – room is clean & inspected
- Yellow – room is clean but not yet inspected
- Red – room is dirty

Available Credit
Available Credit – if you would like to assign additional credit to the guest reservation so that the guest may charge incidentals to their guestroom, then you would enter that amount here. For example, if you take $50.00 per night for incidentals and a guest was staying for 3 nights, then you would enter $150.00 into the Available Credit box.

Deposit Paid
Deposit Paid - if the guest has an Advance Deposit on their reservation, it will be reflected in the “Deposit Paid” area of the check-in screen. If there is no Advance Deposit on the guest reservation, then this box will not appear on the Check-In screen.

Review this Reservation
Review this Reservation – when this box is checked, you will be taken directly to the In House screen after the guest has been checked in. If it is not checked, you will remain on the Arrivals screen after the guest is checked in.

Proceed with Check-In
To proceed with the check-in, select the “Check-In” button located in the bottom right hand corner of the check-in screen.

Step 3: Read guest Reservation Notes
If a guest has Reservation Notes attached to their reservation, the Notes box will pop up after you check the guest in. Ensure you read these notes carefully.

Adding a new note
- If you wish to add a Reservation Note at this time, enter your note into the “Put your note here” area and then select “Post” to attach your note to the reservation.
- Once you have finished with the Reservation Notes area, select the “Close” button to exit.
TIP: Remember, Reservation Notes relate to this specific reservation only, and Guest Notes relate to the Guest Profile.

Print Registration Card (Optional)
Depending on your PMS Settings, at this point, the guest Registration Card may or may not appear.
If the Registration Card appears, select the Printer icon at the top of your screen to print a copy of the Guest Registration Card. Once printed, have the guest review their reservation details and any special notes that may appear on your Registration Card and then have them sign their name at the bottom. Depending on your properties procedures, you may then proceed to file the Registration Card into your bucket. Please consult your Manager to review your properties procedures.
If the Registration Card does NOT appear, it could be because:
- Your property has a "paperless check-in" procedure (check with your Manager for further confirmation)
- Your property's procedure is to pre-prints all Registration Cards prior to arrival (check with your Manager for further confirmation)