In this article we will show how to generate a Guest Folio either by printing or emailing.
Locate the Guest Folio that you would like to print and/or email (ensure the black arrow is pointing toward the guest reservation) and then select the Guest Folio button at the top of the screen. .

A box will appear allowing you to select the following:
- Select Folio – the drop down menu allows you to select to print a specific folio. If you leave it at “0 – All Folios” it will print the entire bill
- Email – if the guest has an email address on their guest profile it will populate in this area and you will be given the option to email the guest their folio
- Email Type – you may select to email a Text version or an HTML version of the Guest Folio (NOTE: HTML is preferred)
- Attach HTML copy of Guest Folio? - some email service providers will not display the Guest Folio information in the mail email so you have the option to also attach the Guest Folio to the email as an HTML as a 2nd option for viewing the folio
- Zero Balance (Express Check-Out) – this feature can be used by properties that wish to slip a copy of a guest’s bill under their door the morning of departure. The Express Check-Out feature displays a “fake” payment on the Guest Folio using the Payment Method located on the Guest Profile. If the guest agrees with the bill, they can simply sign the bill and leave it at the Front Desk as confirmation to place all their charges on the Credit Card on File.

After you have adjusted the top section to reflect what you are looking for, you may select to “Email” or “Print” a copy of the Guest Folio by selecting the appropriate button below.
NOTE: You will only be able to send an email copy of the Guest Folio if your Registry Settings have been setup in your PMS (System Configuration > Property > Registry). Please see the article How to Setup your PMS to Send Email Confirmations in the System Configuration Manual.

Email – if you select to email the Guest Folio, you will receive a message once the Guest Folio has been successfully emailed.

The guest will then receive a copy of their Guest Folio via email.