In this article we will show how to transfer charges to the City Ledger before Check-out. For reservations with a Group, Wholesaler or Corporate that have City Ledger Billing setup, you have the ability to transfer Guest Folio charges to the City Ledger prior to their checkout date. Please note that this feature is intended to be used for long term stay guests whose companies require weekly or monthly invoices.
If a reservation is setup to bill to the City Ledger, you will now see a City Ledger Transfer button appear in the Folio tab.
IMPORTANT NOTE: If the City Ledger Transfer button does not appear in the Folio tab it is because City Ledger Billing was not setup correctly.
For troubleshooting tips on how to tell if City Ledger Billing is setup correctly, please see the article How to tell if a Group, Wholesaler or Corporate Account was Properly Setup for City Ledger Billing.
In the below example, Mr. Smith is staying with you for 3 weeks and his company has asked you to send them weekly invoices. On the 7th day of Mr. Smith’s stay, you would go to the Folio Tab and select the “City Ledger Transfer” button.

If the guest has charges on multiple folios, you can use the “Folio #” drop down menu at the top of your screen to select which folio number contains the charges you wish to transfer to the City Ledger.
Next, you either use the Auto Apply or Add Transaction button to select the transaction(s) you wish to transfer to the City Ledger.
- Auto Apply – will highlight all transactions located in the list at once in green to indicate that they have been selected to transfer to the City Ledger.
- Add Transaction – allows you to select specific transactions that you wish to transfer. Click on the individual transaction, select “Add Transaction” and the line will highlight in green to show that it has been selected for transfer.
Once all the transactions have been selected note that the Remaining Credit now reflects the original Remaining Credit ($1000) minus the Total Transfer ($921.31).
NOTE: If you tried to select Auto Apply for all transactions and the total transactions exceed the Remaining Credit you would encounter the following error:
You will either have to:
- Increase the credit limit on the City Ledger Account to cover all the charges
- Transfer only those lines that fall within the credit limit.

If you tried to select a transaction using the Add Transaction button and the transaction you are trying to add exceeds the remaining credit, you would encounter the following error:
In order to transfer the transaction you will need to increase the credit limit on the City Ledger Account to cover all the charges (please see the article How to Increase/Decrease the Credit Limit on a City Account in the City Ledger Manual)

Assuming that you have enough Credit Limit on your City Ledger Account, the next step is to decide if you wish to transfer the charges to a New Invoice or to an Existing Invoice.
If you wish to create a New Invoice, the Invoice Selection in the bottom left hand corner of the screen should be set to Create New Invoice.

If you wish to transfer the charges to an Existing Invoice, use the Invoice Selection drop down menu to select Other Invoice
A box will appear allowing you to select an existing invoice. Ensure the black arrow is pointing towards the correct invoice and then select OK to choose this invoice.
In this example, you will be creating a New Invoice. Select the Transfer button to transfer all the selected charges to the City Ledger.

A message will appear confirming that the charges have been transferred to the City Ledger.