Below are the rules for deleting a credit card in RoomKeyPMS:
- Credit Cards deleted from the reservation will still be saved in the Guest Profile area but can then be deleted from Guest Profile as long as other deleting rules are respected
- In Guest Profile, you can delete cards that are not attached to any reservation
- In Guest Profile, you can delete cards that are attached to Checked Out or Cancelled Reservations only (not In House or future arrival)
The following steps need to be taken in this EXACT ORDER in order to successfully remove a Credit Card from RoomKey. If you attempt to delete a Credit Card from the Guest Profile area first, the card WILL reattach to the Guest Profile when you follow the steps to remove from the Guest Reservation.
NOTE: In order to delete a Credit Card you must have, under System Configuration -> Clerks, the Guest Management Permission - 3000 Allow Delete Credit Cards.
STEP 1: Locate the guest reservation that contains the credit card that you wish to delete. NOTE: This reservation must be CHECKED OUT or CANCELLED and the guest must not have any In House, No Show or Future Reservations in order to delete their Credit Card.
Below we have Mr. George Jones and he wishes for us to remove his Visa Credit Card from our system. We have confirmed that Mr. Jones has no In House, No Show or Future Reservation.

STEP 2: Right click on the guest reservation and select "New Res Add-On". Proceed to make a new reservation for the guest for a future date and on this reservation select "CASH" as the Card Type. Hit OK to save.

STEP 3: Cancel above reservation.
STEP 4: Go to Operations -> Guest Profile. The guest in question should appear on your Guest Profile screen, if not, use the "Guest Search" button to locate the guest. Once located, proceed to the "Credit Card" tab located in the middle of the screen. You will see a list of Credit Cards associated with this Guest Profile listed below. Click on the Credit Card you wish to delete and select the "Delete" button.
A message will appearing asking if you are sure if you want to delete the selected card - select YES to continue.
The Credit Card is now deleted. Once delete from RoomKey it cannot be recovered.
IMPORTANT NOTE REGARDING NON-TOKENIZED CARDS: After a NON-Tokenized Credit Card has been deleted from RoomKey, if you attempt to reverse an associated payment, the following message will appear:

This means you must complete the refund via your Payment Process Gateway (ie: Shift4, Heartland, Merchantlink, etc..) in order to refund the guest. The refund cannot be processed via RoomKey. Therefore you would "Disable Online Processing" within RoomKey to process the reversal, but then go directly to your Payment Process Gateway in order to refund the guest.
NOTE FOR CHAINED PROPERTIES: Credit Cards are not shared across chains so if you have a guest who has reservations at multiple properties then the above procedure would need to be followed at each individual property.