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How to Create and Manage Departments

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This article will show you how to create and manage Departments in the Clerks module.

Departments are used to group users based on their role at the property. You can create multiple Departments, and users can be added to multiple Departments.

How to Create a New Department

  1. Access the Clerks module and select the Departments tab
  2. Select the Departments button and select the Add New button
    • Enter the name of the new department into the Department field
  3. Select Save to update the database

How to Add/Remove a Clerk ID from a Department

  1. Access the Clerks module and select the Departments tab
  2. Within the Assign Users button, use the drop-down menu to select the applicable department and complete the following:
    • To add a user to a department: locate the applicable user in the right-column and select the left-pointing arrow button
    • To remove a user from a department: locate the applicable user in the left-column and select the right-pointing arrow button
  3. Select Ok to update the database
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