Support Centre

How to Delete (Deactivate) a Client Type

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Due to the history tied to guest reservations & reports in the PMS, Client Types cannot be deleted. Client Types can only be made inactive. A Client Type should never be renamed or changed to a different Client Type, as any past reservations that were made using that Client Type will be affected and changed with it.

Deactivating a Client Type

To deactivate a Client Type, proceed to System Configuration > Client Types. Select the desired Client Type from the list (ensure the black arrow is pointing toward the name in the list).

There are two options when deactivating a Client Type:

  1. Click Modify and remove the check in the box next to Active

  2. Click the On/Off button on the right
Deactivating a Client Type

When a Client Type has been deactivated, it is indicated in the Active column.

To switch to a view that only shows active Client Types, check the box next to Active Only.

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