In this article we will show you how how to Setup RoomkeyPMS to send emails.
Configuring the settings in the PMS
Using settings based on your Email Service Provider, RoomkeyPMS has the ability to email Reservation Confirmations, Guest Folios and City Ledger Invoices.
In the PMS, go to System Configuration > Property > Registry tab

Fill in the following information:
In most cases the required information can be retrieved in your email account settings, your I.T department or by doing an internet search.
- Email Host System Name – also known as SMTP enter information provided by your Email Service Provider (ie:
- Email User Account (property account) – enter information provided by your Email Service Provider (usually the email address you will use to send from)
- Email will be “From” this address ([email protected]) – this is what will appear in the “From” field when an email confirmation is set out. You may choose to put your email address or your property name.
- Secure Password Authentication – this needs to be the same password used to login to the above “Email User Account”. If you update the password associated with your email address, you'll need to update it here.
- Email is Available – check this box to activate the RoomKey Email function
- SMTP Port # – enter information provided by your Email Service Provider. If this field is left blank, the default port will be 25.
- Email Type – what format do you want your emails to send in? HTML looks better, however, some email accounts do not accept HTML format and in that case TEXT may be better. NOTE: You are also given the option between HTML & TEXT before sending the email.
- Attach HTML Copy – attaches a HTML copy of the confirmation to emails that are sent
- No SSL/TLS - Select the option provided by your Email Service Provider
Once all the information has been entered remember to click on “Post Changes to the Registry” to save the email settings.
- Everything within this tab is tied to the Windows Registry of your computer; therefore, this tab must be set up on each individual computer.
- Should each staff member have their own Windows Login, each person will need to setup this Registry Tab on each computer that they use while logged in under their own Windows Login.
- You may attach files for a guest folio or confirmation if you choose, the attachments must be saved on the computer so that the PMS can browse for the file to attach it. If the file gets deleted from the computer, it will then be deleted from the Registry area in the PMS.
- For gmail you may also need to ensure under your security settings 'less secure app access is turned off. Please click here for further details
In order to test to see that your email settings have been entered correctly, select a reservation and try to email a confirmation. If you are unsure how to email a confirmation, please consult the corresponding section of this document. If the email sends successfully, then your email settings have been entered correctly. If the email does not send, please consult the corresponding section of this document for troubleshooting tips.