The following article reviews the Registry tab of the PMS.
System Configuration > Property > Registry
Everything within this tab is tied to the Windows Registry of the current computer; therefore, this tab must be set up on each computer. Should each staff member have their own login ID for Windows, each person will need to set up this registry tab on each computer that they use while logged in under their own Windows login ID.
NOTE: When making any changes to the Registry area, ensure to click Post Changes to the Registry button to save before closing out.

- Open with this Property - For people with multiple property access within a chain, enter the Inn ID of the property that will open by default when a user logs in.
- Support Phone Number - The phone number to reach the PMS Support Team
- Show these logos on the Reports - Logos inserted here will appear on reports in the PMS, such as Registration Cards, Guest Folios, and Confirmation Letters. The first insert shows up in the top left, and the second insert shows up in the top right of each report. Images must be approximately 75 pixels high and must be in JPEG format
- Show House Rooms in Tape Chart – if checked, shows House Rooms (ie: House Accounts or Master Account ) on the Tape Chart
- Show Property Title on Reports – if checked, shows Property name at top of reports
- Show Airport Schedule Form – if the property provides shuttles to & from the airport, this area may be useful. Checking this box will create a tab within the guest reservation that allows input of the guest's flight information. A report will also then appear under the Reports Menu that can be printed to show a list of arriving guests that have this information filled in on their reservation
- Use this for “Province” – Depending on the property's locale, enter either State or Province into this field. This updates the display on the Guest Info tab of a reservation when entering a guest address
- Use this for “Postal” – Depending on the property's locale, enter either Postal or Zip into this field. This updates the display on the Guest Info tab of a reservation when entering a guest address
- Express View Mode – this feature was designed to increase the loading speed of the PMS for properties with 200 rooms or more, by not loading all guest "In House" data when first logging in

The next section of the Registry tab should be filled out if the property wishes to email Reservation Confirmations, Guest Folios, and Invoices and Statements directly from the PMS. More information on setting this up can be found in the Emailing from the PMS chapter of the System Configuration manual.
- Email Host System Name ( – enter the SMTP for outgoing email
- Email User Account - enter the email account emails will be sent from
- Email will be “From” this address ([email protected]) - enter what should appear in the "From" field when the email is sent. Enter either the email address or the property name. NOTE: Some email service providers will require this email to be the same as the User Account Name. If an error is received when trying to send an email, it may because the Email will be “From” does not match the “Email User Account”.
- Secure Password Authentication – the password for the email address found under Email User Account
- Email is Available – check this box once all the above email information has been filled out
- Email Type - Choose between plain Text and HTML. HTML is the preferred method, however as some email accounts may not accept HTML formatting, also select Attach HTML Copy to send an HTML version of the email as an attachment. Clicking on the attachment will load it into a web browser.
- Attach HTML Copy – attaches an HTML copy of the confirmation to email that is sent
- TLS/SSL dropdown - select the TLS version that is required by the Email Service Provider
- SMTP Port # – SMTP Port number required for outgoing email. If it is 25, leave this space blank as the default port is 25. If it is something other then 25, enter the number into the space provided
- Attachments on Guest Folio – Use this to send an attachment with each Guest Folio that is emailed, use the Browse button to insert the file here. A common example is a Comment Card or post-stay survey
- Attachments on Confirmations #1 & #2 – To send one or more attachments with each Guest Confirmation email, use the Browse button to insert the file here. An example of a file that may be attached is directions to the property
NOTE: When making any changes to the Registry area, ensure to click Post Changes to the Registry button to save before closing out.