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How to Create a (Cancellation) Policy

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The following article reviews how to create Cancellation Policies in the PMS.


It is possible to create multiple kinds of Cancellation (or Booking) Policies in the PMS.

To get started with creating a new policy, proceed to System Configuration > Policy.


Creating a Policy

Click Add to create a new Policy.

Creating a Policy

Enter the following information:

  • Code – a name to identify the policy
  • Active – must be checked for this policy to be active
  • Default for Property – check this box if the policy being created will be used as the default policy for your property
  • Default for Online Booking – check this box if the policy being created will be used as the default policy for the eRes Booking Engine (this only applies to eRes Booking Engine, and not 3rd Party products like the GDS. Quickconnects or Channel Managers)
  • Guarantee – select option depending on whether a Credit Card is necessary to guarantee a guest reservation
  • Deposit - select option depending on whether a deposit is required to be paid at time of booking. If yes, select if the deposit will be based on one of the following:
    • number of nights (example value would be 1 for 1 night, or 2 for 2 nights, etc…)
    • percentage of the stay charge (example value would be 25 for 25%, or 100 for 100%)
    • fixed amount (example value would be 100 for $100 or 150 for $150)
    • 1st night room charge + guest service
  • Cancellation – select option depending on whether or not a penalty is charged when a guest cancels their reservation. If Yes, select the number of hours prior to arrival the guest is able to cancel without penalty (ie: If set to 24hrs, the guest has up until 24hrs before the reservation date to cancel their reservation without penalty). Next, select if the cancellation will be based on one of the following:
    • number of nights (example value would be 1 for 1 night, or 2 for 2 nights, etc…)
    • percentage of the stay charge (example value would be 25 for 25%, or 100 for 100%)
    • fixed amount (example value would be 100 for $100 or 150 for $150)
  • Modification (use only for online booking) – select this option only if you wish for a fee to be applied to any bookings that are Modified via your eRes Booking Engine. (NOTE: Examples of modified bookings fees may be a fee charged if a guest shortens the length of their stay via the eRes Booking Engine). If yes, select the number of hours before arrival that a guest has to cancel without penalty (ie: If you input 24hrs, the guest therefore has up until 24hrs before the reservation date to cancel their reservation without penalty). Next, select if the cancellation will be based on one of the following:
    • number of nights (example value would be 1 for 1 night, or 2 for 2 nights, etc…)
    • percentage of the stay charge (example value would be 25 for 25%, or 100 for 100%)
    • fixed amount (example value would be 100 for $100 or 150 for $150)

Select OK to save your Policy. A generalized "robot" Policy Text will now appear at the bottom of the screen based on the selections made above. Use the Edit button in the top right hand corner of the screen to edit the text below so that it is more reader friendly.

NOTE: The text entered here will appear on both Confirmation, and Cancellation forms. If the policy is also set as the Default for Online Booking, this text will appear on the eRes Booking Engine during the reservation process.

Using the {Policy} Macro

A Policy can apply to the Property overall, or it can apply to a specific Client Type, Rate Plan or Room Type. All these Modules in the PMS have a policy tab where it can be defined which policy is applicable for a particular date range. For more information on how to attach a Policy to a Client Type, Rate, or a Room Type please see the article How to Attach a (Cancellation) Policy to a Client Type, Room Type, Rate Plan & Property in the System Configuration manual.

IMPORTANT NOTE: For the Policy Text to appear on the Confirmation form, the Policy Macro {Policy} must be inserted into the Confirmation Notes tab (System Configuration > Property > Confirmation Notes). If the {Policy} macro is not entered into the Confirmation Notes field, the PMS will be unable to pull the information from the Policy Text area onto the Reservation Confirmation.

In the example below, the {Policy} macro is inserted between two sentences. This will populate the Policy Text from the Policy into the field on the Confirmation Form, in between those two sentences.

Using the {Policy} Macro
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