Mobile Check-Out => Credit Card Integration
In Release we released Mobile Check-Out for RoomKeyPMS Payments and Heartland. Version will now include Mobile Check-Out for Shift 4 as well. See How to Customize Mobile Check-Out Settings for more information on activating this feature.
Mobile Check-In => Email Settings
Properties now have the option to set a Delivery Time for Mobile Check-In emails. For more information on configuring this setting please see How to Customize Mobile Check-In Settings
Mobile => New Fields
Two new fields will now display during the Mobile Check-In Process:
Additional fields have also been added to the Mobile Check-In Form:
As well as the Mobile Check-Out Form:
Other Enhancements/Updates
- When updating a rate plan with more than 100 rates plans tiered to it the system would take a few minutes to process and give an "Errors encountered during last operation". On the back end the system would still complete the rate update => Timeout message time limit was increase to match what was set to the data base. This means the error message will now match what was being done on the database.
- When updating a corporate account and you do not have all the require fields it will give you the follow message "Value is invalid" => This message has been updated to say
Please fill in the required fields
-Street Address
-Zip - Smart File Backup - When loading the inventory report from smart file backup the system will trigger multiple times => This has been updated to only run 1 report at a time.
- Reservation ID numbers were not increasing in a sequential fashion. This was due to third party site data mining the Eres booking engine for hotel rates => We added a Google Recaptcha to the Eres page to prevent this from happening
- Inventory Calendar Default Rate - Added rate channel selections. When selecting your rate plan you're now able to select the channels as well (Direct, Hotel Website, GDS, and CRS)
- List index out of bounds - When you're on the In-House screen and you scroll all the way to the right hand side of the reservation > Then you switch to another window (Such as Arrivals or checked out) you will get the following Error messages "List index out of bounds error (15)" or "List index out of bounds error (16)" At this point the guest grid will no longer display correct until you restart Roomkey => This has been fixed
- Mobile Check-In Form - After selecting "Complete" there is a slight delay before the "Successfully Completed" page => a green rotating circle that says "Processing" has been added.
- New Reservation -> Guest Info -> Guest Search will now always clear the search data when creating a new reservation. This change was implemented due to a reported bug where Reservation information was being updated incorrectly on existing reservations.