A description of the features, interfaces, integrations and defects for release
New Features and Improvements:
RoomKeyPMS Enhancements
Force Guest Profile Search
Having a “clean” Guest Profile database is essential in collecting proper stats on guest stays and targeting the right groups of people. The Force Search option requires the agent to search for an existing Guest Profile before continuing to make a reservation. The Force Search will have an optional permission for those properties that wish to use this feature. To learn more about the Force Search option – CLICK HERE
Release Update Communication
When using any software, it is always important to keep up to date on the latest version, not only to ensure the software runs smoothly but also for taking advantage of new features. To help notify the properties when a new release of RoomKeyPMS is ready, there is a message that displays on the RoomKeyPMS application and the added bonus is being able to update right within RoomKeyPMS itself. To learn more about the Update Communication – CLICK HERE
Tape Chart Icons
The Tape Chart is primarily used as a good “visual” representation of where reservations/guests have been assigned. To improve the information that is displaying for the properties, we have added special icons for Shares, Repeat, and VIP, as well as showing the types of guests like Transient, Corporate, Group, and Wholesale. To learn more about the Tape Chart Icons – CLICK HERE
New Res Add-on
Should you need to copy an existing reservation, the New Res Add-on function has been added to the Tape Chart by right clicking on the reservation:

Interfaces & Integrations:
Heartland Payments Systems
RoomKeyPMS is pleased to announce our integration with Heartland for application processing on the HPS Exchange platform through the Portico Gateway. Customers can now utilize this interface specifically for card-present processing of Visa, MasterCard, Discovery/JCB and American Express directly through the RoomKeyPMS application. If you are interested in this interface please contact Heartland to arrange for an account and RoomKeyPMS sales to purchase the integration at [email protected].
Tweaks and Defects Fixes:
We have also fixed a number of defects in RoomKeyPMS including:
- Issue with 2 for 1 Promo being offered via Multi Rate Module is now resolved
- Error encountered when reprinting Travel Agent Checks is now resolved
- BI Insight error when trying to view Rate Details under Setup -> Rates has now been resolved
- Typing the letter “c” will no longer cause the Smart Support window to close automatically
- Sage Payment Interface will no longer say “Purchase” when doing a Credit Refund
- Issue where RoomKeyPMS would redline if switching between Multi Properties while in the Guest Folio tab has now been resolved