Other Enhancements/Updates
Room Types/Rate Plan descriptions not disappearing=> If you were to double right click on a Room Type or Rate Plan to view a Room Type/Rate Plan description, the description would not disappear once you clicked elsewhere on the screen. It would remain stuck on the screen until you exited or completed the reservation. *This issue has now been fixed.
Numbers doubling on Report => When selecting to "View/Print" the Room Nights and ADR by Source of Business (Inc. PYTD) Report (located under Reports -> Statistics), if you did not exit out of the Source of Business Report screen and selected to "View/Print" the same date again, the information found on the report would duplicate. *This issue has been resolved and you no longer have to exit out of the Source of Business Report screen to re-print the same date.
Display Restricted Rates on Packages => NTS (Number to Sell) Restrictions were not properly displaying on the View Restricted Rates screen when set for Packages. *This issue has now been fixed and NTS Restrictions will now display properly for Packages.
Unable to delete/inactivate Corporate Accounts => Last release a bug occurred that prevented Clients from deleting new Corporate Accounts or inactivating existing Corporate Accounts. *This bug has been fixed and Clients can now delete/inactivate Corporate Accounts once again.