In Version 9, a new bug occurred from the changes that were released; Version 10 includes the enhancements in Version 9, plus the fix for the following bug:
If a property is using a System Default Reg Card (System Configuration => Property => Selected Reg Card => System Default) and the user performs a "Print All Reg. Cards" (Reports -> Reg Card by Arrival Date or by right clicking on an arrival and selecting "Print All Reg Cards") => the Room Charge amount will display as $0.00, however, the Avg Rate and Total Charges will all display correctly (as show below). This update resolves this issue so the Room Charges display correctly.
- If a property printed a single Reg Card using the Reg Card button, the Room Charges display correctly.
- If a property is using a Custom Reg Card, you were not affected by this issue

Version Enhancements
Payments - Powered by Fullsteam Enhancements
Incremental Authorizations Module
The Incremental Authorization tool allows the user to review folio balances and ensure enough funds are guaranteed, by either direct payments or authorizations on Credit Card; for any rooms that are "under funded", the user can then increase authorizations for several rooms at a time. This feature is only available for clients using the RoomKeyPMS Payments Powered by Fullsteam Interface. For more information on this feature, please refer to the following training document -> Incremental Authorizations Module
Deposit Reconciliation Report
A new Deposit Reconciliation Report is now available for Clients with RoomKeyPMS Payments Powered by Fullsteam. This report can be used to reconcile bank deposits processed by Fullsteam. For more information regarding this new report please refer to the following training document -> How to Access the Deposit Reconciliation Report for RoomKeyPMS Powered by Fullsteam
Understanding Refunds vs Posting Negative Payments
As a best practice, refunds to credit cards should only be performed on existing payments in RoomKeyPMS; this helps reduce the risk of fraud, by not returning funds to a card that should not receive the funds. However, there are instances where refunds to other Credit Cards are necessary. The following document outlines when each function should be used and permissions that will help properties limit the use of refunds to other Credit Cards -> RoomKeyPMS Payments - Reversals & Adjustments
RoomKeyPMS Enhancements
Maintenance Module Permissions
Two new Clerk Permissions have been added to RoomKey:
- Operations -> 655 General Maintenance
- Operations -> 656 Room Maintenance
These permissions can be used to restrict a users ability to access the Maintenance Module. If neither permission is given, the Clerk will not see Maintenance Module under the Operations Menu. If they have one or both permissions, they will be able to go to Operations -> Maintenance Module and then General Maintenance and/or Room Maintenance will appear based on the given permissions.
Other Enhancements/Updates
Unable to open Reconciliation Report => two issues were reported where Clients were unable to open the Reconciliation Report for RoomKeyPMS Payments Powered by Fullsteam. Upon investigation the issues were 1) due to the Clerk not having a Last Name setup in the Clerks Module and 2) letters being entered into the Res ID area when manually posting a payment directly in MerchantTrack. Updates have been made to compensate for these issues.
Error opening Processor Portal for MerchantTrack => an issue occurred where Client's were unable to access MerchantTrack via RoomKey. The only error that displayed was "Invalid SingleSignOn request" on the MerchantTrack login page. The issue was not actually related to the SingleSignOn but another unrelated issue. In order to troubleshoot this issue more effectively in the future an enhancement has been made and a warning will now appear with a more direct message regarding the issue (ie: Unable to open Portal: Authentication Failure)
Payment Transaction Code with Charge on Payments not posting correctly => it was reported that when posting a payment via RoomKeyPMS Payments Powered by Fullsteam, if the property had 2 Transaction Codes set to the same Code (ie: VISA = Visa with Charge on Payments and VISASC = Visa without Charge on Payments), the payment would always post to the Payment Transaction Code without Charge on Payments setup (ie: VISA). An update has been made and now whichever Payment Transaction Code is selected while posting a payment, that will be the one that posts on the folio in RoomKey.
Authorization not being closed upon Check-Out => some clients were reporting that authorizations were not being closed after Check-out when using RoomKeyPMS Payments Powered by Fullsteam. A fix has been included in this release to ensure all Credit Cards are properly tokenized at every stage so authorizations can be properly closed after Check-Out.
Out of Order Rooms showing as "Sleep" Discrepancy => It was reported that on the Housekeeping Discrepancy Report, rooms that were Out of Order and Vacant were appearing as "Sleep" discrepancies. This issue has been resolved and these rooms will not longer appear on this report. The only time Out of Order rooms will appear on this report is if the room is showing "Occupied" by Housekeeping.
Transaction Register Balance not displaying all DEPTRAN transactions => It was reported that only same day deposit postings were appearing as DEPTRAN on the Transaction Register Balance after guests were checked in. Deposits made on prior dates were not appearing on this report. The related bug preventing these transactions from displaying has been fixed and they will now appear on the report once again.
Reverse all in series bug => discrepancies were being caused in RoomKey when a Client was able to select "Reverse all in series" for a Room Charge when previous Room Charges in the series were transferred to a House Account. This fix has already been deployed to disable "Reverse all in series" when any charges within the series have been transferred.