- RoomKeyPMS Update - May 1, 2019
- RoomKeyPMS Update - June 12, 2019
- RoomKeyPMS Update - June 17, 2019
- RoomKeyPMS Update - June 25, 2019
- RoomKeyPMS Update - August 21, 2019
- RoomKeyPMS Update - September 4, 2019
- RoomKeyPMS Update - Internal Development Update
- RoomKeyPMS Update - September 24, 2019
- RoomKeyPMS Update - September 27, 2019
- RoomKeyPMS Update - October 7, 2019
- RoomKeyPMS Update - October 21, 2019
- RoomKeyPMS Update - October 24, 2019
- RoomKeyPMS Update - November 13, 2019
- RoomKeyPMS Update - February 5, 2020
- RoomKeyPMS Update - March 10, 2020
RoomKeyPMS Enhancements
Embedded Web Forms
Allowing embedded web forms so applications including the Housekeeping Scheduler and our latest purchasable add-on Profile Match and Merge can be launched directly. For more information about Embedded applications in RoomKeyPMS: CLICK HERE
Report Viewer Updates
Upgrades to our report tools, providing new features such as additional enhancements to the report viewer, new export options, improved editing controls. For more information about updates to our reporting tools: CLICK HERE
Tweaks and Defects
- On the Guest Services Tab => when modifying a reservation to add Guest Services => the tax calculation would sometimes appear wrong for properties that use compund tax => however, upon saving the reservation, the calculation would commit properly on the Confirmation to the guest; just the clerk view during modification was affected.
- New Res Add-on => when the clerk would right-click on the reservation and select New Res Add-od => the reservation would copy as expected => if the clerk, click on the reservation and went to the Reservations menu to click on New Res Add-on, the guest information was not being carried over to the copied reservation
- For properties using Custom Fields => when adding a Share to a Reservation => and if "Store Profile" checked for the share => if Custom Fields are updated on the Share, it would overwirte the Custom Field answers on the Master Guest
RoomKeyPMS Update - May 1, 2019
RoomKeyPMS Enhancements
Property Availability Display
Added to several screens in the system, is the overall Property Availability; by displaying the overall Property Availability, it gives the clerk an immediate indication the the property is sold out, even though a Room Type may have availability. The Property Availability has been added to Reservation form, Inventory Calendar, Group Block, and Wholesale Block area; for more information on this modification - CLICK HERE
Embedded Web Forms
Allowing embeddable web forms so applications including the Housekeeping Scheduler and our latest purchasable add-on Profile Match and Merge can be launched directly. For more information about Embedded applications in RoomKeyPMS: CLICK HERE
Report Viewer Updates
Upgrades to our report tools, providing new features such as additional enhancements to the report viewer, new export options, improved editing controls. For more information about updates to our reporting tools: CLICK HERE
Overbooking Limits
The Overbooking Limits allows the Revenue Manager/Hotel Manager to set up an overbooking strategy based on historical No Shows, last minute cancellations, and last minute early departures => the ultimate goal is to optimize the chance to reach 100% occupancy while minimizing the amount of "walks" due to un-planned overbooking.
For more information on setting Overbooking Limits and how it affects the availability displays in various areas of RoomKeyPMS, use the following documentation:
- Setting Overbooking Limits and optional configuration settings
- How to create a reservation with Overbooking Limits
- Group Block with Overbooking Limits Display
- Wholesaler Block with Overbooking Limits Display
- How to use Inventory Calendar with Overbooking Limits
Overbooking Introduction Video:
Tweaks and Defects
- On the Guest Services Tab => when modifying a reservation to add Guest Services => the tax calculation would sometimes appear wrong for properties that use compund tax => however, upon saving the reservation, the calculation would commit properly on the Confirmation to the guest; just the clerk view during modification was affected.
- For properties that use Credit Card Interface => clerks that have permission to delete Credit Cards, the system now allows the deletion of Tokenized Credit Cards
- For properties using Heartland Credit Card Interface - there were some instances where the tokenized card would not save properly and the clerk would have to re-enter the real credit card from the guest, this has now been resolved
- Some properties were experiencing a timeout when printing Reports => Statistics => Room Nights & ADR by Client Type, this report has been optimized to run faster
- When using New Res-Add on => if switching from a Rate Plan on the first reservation to a Manual Rate on the second reservation => clerk would receive an error message; this has been fixed
- For properties using Custom Fields => when adding a Share to a reservation, in some instances, certain custom data for the share would overwrite custom data of the master guest
- When using the New Res-Add on function from the Transaction menu => the guest info was not copying to the new reservation
Tweaks and Defects - Version 9.0 to Version 9.1
- Access Violation Errors - multiple properties had issues with the system getting an Access Violation Error; this had to do with Smart Files Backup updates, which is why the error was sporadic - this has been resolved
- Inventory data was not refreshing properly when clerk would select new date from
- Any addresses that were on 2 lines, where the clerk clicked the return or enter on keyboard, would cause the Guest Folio to fail during printing
- Posting payments to different folios than Folio 1, would cause an error message
- When Printing the Inventory Calendar. the system would freeze due to a hidden print page
- The City Ledger Payment window could not be expanded to full screen
- When updating Rates in Rate Wizard, the Rate Name display and the Client Type display was not showing on the Rate Update screen; however, the rate update was functioning as expected
- On the GDS Linking Tables, the GDS linking table was not respecting sort order
- Res Id's were missing from the Rate Override Report
- Under System Configuration => Online Booking Promotions, the Description was getting cutoff on the eRes Booking Engine
- Ability to right-click on a checked out reservation and add a Travel Agent has been repaired
- Reports => Audits => OA Reconciliation Report => totals were missing from the bottom of the report
- For properties with eRes Images saved on the Room Types in Version 8.0, the system would freeze when going to the eRes Images tab
RoomKeyPMS Update - June 12, 2019
RoomKeyPMS Enhancements
Overbooking Limits on eRes Booking Engine
In Update, we introduced the new Overbooking Feature within RoomKeyPMS; in this release, is the ability to apply Overbooking Limits to eRes Booking engine. This can be activated by going to System Configuration => Property => Preferences => check the "Respect Overbooking limits on eRes" option:
Tweaks and Defects
- Ability to send Invoice or Statement emails from City Ledger was broken on the release of version 9.0 - issue has now been resolved
- Reports => Statistics => Room Occupancy and Revenue Report - some properties were getting an error message about a "floating point value", issue has been resolved
- There was an issue when modifying a reservation and viewing the Multi-Rate display, when booking Packages that has been resolved => the Rates on the Reservations and Confirmation displayed the proper information to the guest
- When using Print all Guest Folios on the Departure screen, the clerk was being prompted to select printer for each folio being printed; this has been fixed so that once the printer is selected at the start of the process, that printer will apply to all folios being printed
- In Version 9, the share icon was not showing on the Group Rooming list - this is now fixed
- On the Journal Entry Report on Version 9, the Printer Setup icon was missing; this has now been added back onto the reports
- For properties using a Credit Card interface, when using Disable Online Processing on checkout, the Activity Log was showing "false" that the box was checked; this has been fixed so that if the clerk clicks Disable Online Processing on Checkout, it will say "true" in the Activity Log
- For properties using Merchantlink CC integration, some clerks were trying to post a negative amount to Guest Folio Credit Limit in order to reduce the original authorization; Merchantlink does not allow reductions in authorizations, thus the negative amount was being added to the original authorization => RoomKeyPMS will now display the error message "Original authorization cannot be decreased"
- When using a Manual Rate and changing a reservation, the Manual Rate was not showing in RoomKeyPMS => the rate was still saved to the reservation and on the confirmation; issue with the display has been resolved
- On Smart Files Backup, the Inventory Option was showing an error due to the Overbooking Feature released last update; this issue has been resolved
- Reports => Audits => Room Audit, this report now requires the property to set a Default Rate under System Configuration => Room Inventory. By selecting a Default Rate, such as BAR, the property can get a 5 of Potential Revenue statistic
- On the SiteMinder Interface, Travel Agent IATA numbers were not flowing properly into RoomKeyPMS, this has been fixed
- Reports => Segmentation Report Detail - the sub-totals for each grouping were not updating for each grouping
- Operations => Groups => Reports => Group Rooms Control required a fix to the formatting of the grid lines
- Reports => Confirmation Reminders - there was an error when trying to setup the Confirmation Reminders, this issue has been resolved
- For some properties, when using charges on payments, the payment was not recalculating to include the surcharge
- When attaching a Travel Agent to a Reservation using the shortcut menu, a fix had to be implemented that would allow a clerk to add a different Travel Agent to a reservation
- On folios where the clerk enters in an extra long reference, Word Wrapping had to added to the Guest Folio print so that it would not "bleed" into the next line
RoomKeyPMS Update - June 17, 2019
Tweaks and Defects
- When doing a New Res-Add on, the NTS Restriction was not being respected, this has been fixed
- Update made to make Ving Card interface compatible with Version 9.0 and above
- Fixed issue that allowed clerks to transfer to Folio 7; folio 7 is not an available folio for use
- The Room Assignment shortcut was not displaying room numbers on reservations that were departing in the current day, this has been resolved. In the example below, Robert Will in departing from room 101 on August 19th => this would allow the clerk to assign room 101 to the new guest, Drake MacPhail, arriving on the same day, August 19th.
RoomKeyPMS Update - June 25, 2019
Tweaks and Defects
- Sage Accounting Export - New Format for Export
RoomKeyPMS Update - August 21, 2019
Tweaks and Defects
- When the clerk posts a payment or charge in the system, the posting time was taken from the clerk computer; this caused issues if the clerks computer was set to a different Time Zone than the property Time Zone. In this release, the posting time on payments and charges will be based on the property Time Zone
- When checking out a reservation and using the "City Ledger Transfer" transaction code => if the clerk did not select a City Account, the transfer would post as a payment instead => in this release, the clerk will receive a warning message should they not select a City Ledger Account
- If a reservation had multiple charges on Folio 1 and moved one of those charges to another folio => the clerk was unable to move the charge back to Folio 1 => this has been fixed so that if a transaction is moved from one folio to another, the clerk will be able to transfer back to the original folio
- When checking out a guest with multiple folios, in some instances the payment made on one of the folios would post to folio 0, instead of the intended folio for payment
- Through the GDS/IDS Booking Engines, the state field is usually populated by 2-character codes but for Australia, they are sending 3-character code; the system will now properly use these codes, when it is an Australian address
- Reports => Statistics => Room Occupancy and Revenue Report => some properties were experiencing the following error message: " is not a valid floating point value" => issue has been identified and resolved
- When Hide Rate is selected on a Rate Plan in Rate Wizard and the Room Charge is on Folio 8 => if the clerk selects to print all folios on a reservation, the 8 folio will not print (this was changed to match what is happening when Client Type Hide Rate is used)
- In BI Reporting => Statistics => Corporate => when exporting the Summary format, some properties were getting the following error message: "Invalid column name 'name'."; This column issue has been resolved.
- For properties using Booking.com, number of children will now be captured from the reservation message and appear on the reservation in the system
- Reports => Statistics => Daily Operating Report => on the Rooms Occupied by Room Charge section, this year's MTD column amounts are displaying last year's MTD column amounts => this has been fixed
- Reports =>Financial => Journal Entry => the report would only print to computer's default printer, this has been fixed so that if the user selects a different printer than the default printer, the report will print to the newly selected printer
- In Report Wizard, the print default was set to A4, this has been updated to letter size by default
- On the Transaction Register Balance => any payment made on City Ledger, will now reference the Payment Id; this will allow the user to search in City Ledger based on that ID (the "C" on the Transaction Register Balance stands for "City Ledger")

RoomKeyPMS Update - September 4, 2019
RoomKeyPMS Enhancements
RoomKeyPMS Payments
This update is to support changes needed for the launch of RoomKeyPMS Payments; for more information on RoomKeyPMS Payments: CLICK HERE
Login Page Update
Here at RoomKeyPMS, we are constantly looking for new ways to communicate with our clients. For this reason, we have added a new window to our login page to let our clients know about exciting news/offers that will enrich your overall RoomKeyPMS experience, such as RoomKeyPMS Payments.
Tweaks and Defects
- Under System Configuration => Clerks => Permissions => Reservation Management => 324, Cancel All No Show Reservations => by taking away the permission from the Clerk, they will no longer have access to this feature. As a side note, they will still be able to cancel single No Show reservations
RoomKeyPMS Update - September 24, 2019
Tweaks and Defects
- In version, users we unable to move the login screen dialog box; in version, this can now be moved
- Embedded web browser for Profile Match & Merge, Housekeeping Scheduler, and RoomKeyPMS Payments Credit Card Reconciliation has been updated to address browser display bugs
- For properties with Heartland and Merchantlink integrations, when processing transactions => if transaction was declined, it was showing "Approved" on the receipt but was actually Declined in the system. This has been addressed, so that the receipt will now reflect the decline.
- On the Inventory Calendar, when selecting the shortcut drop down for year, the user could only go as far as 2019; in which case, they would have to use the arrows to move one year at a time. The shortcut for jumping to a year, has now been updated to 2034
- When using Advance Search => as long as user stays logged in => RK will save the results of the last search performed => in version, the advance search no longer saved the results when re-loading the Advance Search form => in version, RK will once again save that last search results
- When Room Types are inactivated, the Revenue on Reports => Statistics => Segmentation Report, was not being included; report has been fixed to count the historical revenue of inactivated Room Types
RoomKeyPMS Update - September 27, 2019
Tweaks and Defects
- In the Installer for Version,, and, the RoomKey Application folder was missing a file that supported Credit Card Interfaces. For any existing properties, this was not an issue because the previous versions had the file which was saved; only ne properties downloading RoomKeyPMS for the first time were experiencing the issue
RoomKeyPMS Update - October 7, 2019
Tweaks and Defects
- In Version 9.0, when exporting a Report Wizard report into a CSV, the new Version of RoomKeyPMS was keeping formats for headers/Page Numbering/footers; in the previous Version 8.0, the CSV was a data export with field titles and the data => for this release, we have gone back to treating the CSV as a data export and not holding formatting
- In Version, the ability to enter in 0.00 when setting up Penny Rounding (Canadian Properties) was restricted; in this version, you can now enter 0.00 as the instructions outline => this would have only affected properties trying to setup Penny Rounding for the first time; any properties that already had the feature setup, would have been fine
RoomKeyPMS Update - October 21, 2019
Tweaks and Defects
- On the inventory Calendar, when date range was spanning over two different months and user used the "next" arrow to view the next 2 week period => the totals at the bottom were not aligning properly. In this version, the totals will now properly reflect that days numbers
- For RoomKeyPMS Payments, a change has been made to configuration so that if a property is using a remote session into a central server, RoomKeyPMS will now recognize the computer name of the originating terminal => this is mainly a consideration for when CC Terminals are configured, when the interface is first turned on
- When using the CTRL + S shortcut, there was an error message for Access Violation => the shortcut has now been fixed in this release
RoomKeyPMS Update - October 24, 2019
RoomKeyPMS Update - November 13, 2019
RoomKeyPMS Payments - Handling Insufficient Funds
RoomKeyPMS Payments now handles partial authorizations on Payments/Settlements (not available on pre-auth). When property is trying to process an amount greater than the amount that is available on the guest card, the Payment integration will now return the amount that is available on the card and give the clerk the option to accept or reverse/process another form of payment. For more information on handling insufficient funds on RoomKeyPMS Payments - CLICK HERE
RoomKeyPMS Payments - Handling Debit Transactions
Based on the types of cards that are available in the US, transactions can be processed either as CREDIT or DEBIT transactions; the pros and cons of running the type of Transaction can depend on a properties particular work flow for handling guests in house. By understanding how CREDIT and DEBIT are processed, a property can make the decision on what is best for their property. For more information on Handling Debit Transactions WITH RoomKeyPMS Payments - CLICK HERE
Other Enhancements/Updates
- For properties using RoomKeyPMS Payments, the Reconciliation Report will now properly save Batch Numbers
- Sundry Sales Receipt has now been updated to reflect multiple payments, with multiple references => in relation to Insufficient Funds story
- For Booking.com interface, Multi-Room reservations can now be sent with different guest amounts for each individual reservation => previously, the same number of guests were always sent through
- Previously clerks had the ability to post Guest Services to previous days on a reservation => restriction is now in place where Guest Services can only be added for current day and greater
- In Transaction Codes => the Tran Subgroup "Cancellation Fee" is designed to be used for charges made to canceled reservations => previously, the system would allow a user to attach a "cancellation fee" Transaction Code to a Guest Service => because Guest Services are used to schedule transactions for non canceled reservations, it made sense to make the change to not allow "cancellation fee" Transaction Codes, to be added to Guest Services
- On Expedia interface, better error code translations were put in place to better help identify issues that could be corrected in property configuration
- Housekeeping Module will now allow the user to select and unselect "Inspected" filter
- When using the Attache Travel Agent shortcut on a reservation => a new filter has been added to help find the correct Travel Agent
RoomKeyPMS Update - February 5, 2020
RoomKeyPMS Payments integration to RoomKeyPMS eRes Online Booking Engine
RoomKeyPMS Payments is now available to process deposits through eRes Online Booking Engine or if your property does not take deposits, Credit Card Tokenization is available. Because the Credit Card is securely entered into the Payment Frame by the guest, only the token is stored on RoomKeyPMS side, thus accomplishing end-to-end tokenization. For more information on this new product offering, reach out to [email protected]
MultiRate Reservations and Restricted Rate Plans
The MultiRate area has undergone a full redesign and now includes Restricted Rate indicators, ability to override Restricted Rate Plans directly in MultiRate area, previous rates section used when modifying a MultiRate reservation, and improved warning messages to help guide the clerk when modifying an existing reservation. More more information on the enhancements made to the MultiRate area - CLICK HERE
Custom City Ledger Invoices and Statements
In the current version of RoomKeyPMS, any custom City Ledger Invoices or Statements will save to the local computer that the user is on. In this new release, the custom forms will now save to RoomKeyPMS Database and be available to all users. The second change we made was that these documents would send as a PDF. For more information on Custom City Ledger Forms - CLICK HERE
Other Enhancements/Updates
- When inserting Confirmation notes, some properties were having extra lines inserted for spacing
- When sending a City Ledger Statement through email, the message body said " Please find the City Invoice below"; this has been updated to say "Please find the attached Statement"
- Updated the Custom Forms Default Option in City Ledger, to make it more obvious, which Custom Form is being used
- The system allowed the user to insert a blank Custom Field, which would cause an error message when trying to create a reservation. In this release, we made the change that the system will not allow you to insert a blank Custom Field
- Inactive Transaction Codes will no longer appear an option on the Routing Tab on a reservation
RoomKeyPMS Update - March 10, 2020
Other Enhancements/Updates
- Update to fix Miwa key card interface
- On the Post Payment screen the "Post CC Info to Guest Profile" checkbox has been updated to "Set as Default CC on Reservation". If checked, the Credit Card used during Post Payment will become the main credit card on the Guest Reservation.