For Version 8.7 Build 0.1
New Features and Improvements:
Print ALL Invoices that Form a Statement (in Default Format)
When multiple invoices form part of a statement, they need to be printed off individually. This is very time consuming for the user. Operations -> City Ledger. You now have the option to print each individual Invoice (in Default Format) that makes up a Statement all at once by using the “Print All” button now located under the Invoices Tab. Ability to print all invoices in Custom Format to be available in future release.

Travel Agent Commissions Report now available to export as a CSV file
This report is now exportable in CSV format so that the data can be opened in excel and users can manipulate the data, review the numbers and pay commissions as required. Operations -> Travel Agent -> Commissions. After the “Print” button is select to view the TA Commission Worksheet, you can now select the “Save” button and choose to Save the report as a .CSV file which then can be opened in Excel.
Registration Cards can now displays a Daily Rate Breakdown
Room Rates can often fluctuate during a guest stay and it is important for the guest to confirm their rates at time of check-in. For this reason, a Daily Rate Breakdown has been added to the bottom of the Guest Registration Card. NOTE: If your property uses a Custom Registration Card you will need to contact RoomKey Support ([email protected]) to have this added to your Reg Card.

Room Nights & ADR By Client Type Report (Date Range)
This report is now available to be printed by Date Range to allow a better understanding of a hotel's success or lack thereof within a particular date range. Based on this need, under Reports -> Statistics, the new Room Nights & ADR by Client Type (Date Range) Report is now available.
Revenue Optimization Reports
To ensure revenue managers can draw information more easily from RoomKey we have added a number of reports that are exportable in CSV format as follows:
- Reservations by Room Type and Date
- Reservations by Rate Class and Date
- Reservations by Source of Business and Date
- Reservations by Client Type and Date
These Reports are not available in the RoomKey application but can be accessed through our reporting portal BI / Insights. To gain access to this portal please contact our Sales Team at [email protected].
Stay Dates added to City Ledger Statement
This report now displays Reservation Date From/To information when an invoice is tied to a Guest Reservation. This is so Clients can see which stays you are invoicing them for. Operations -> City Ledger. Stay Dates for each reservation associated with an invoice will now appear on the Account Statement. NOTE: When an Invoice is not associated with a Reservation, the Date From/Date To fields will appear blank.

RoomKey API
RoomKey has released the version of their API. This API will allow registered users to pull data from RoomKey relating to:
- Statistics regarding hotel information (i.e. ADR, Occupancy)
- Transactions taking place over a specific period of time
- Chain information
- Guest information
- Reservation information
- Room and rate information
- Availability information
For more information & pricing on RoomKey API please contact our Sales Team at [email protected].
Loyalty Number on Custom Reservation Confirmation
In order to show guests that you recognize they are part of your Loyalty Program, the Loyalty Number field is now available for display on the Reservation Confirmation as a Custom Field. If you wish to have the Loyalty Number displaying on your RoomKey Confirmation please contact [email protected] with instructions of where you would like it to display and a member of our Support Team will assist in updating your confirmation.
Transaction Code Module
To help prevent data entry errors that would cause RoomKey’s Essential Balancing to go out of balance, the following enhancements have been made to the Transaction Codes Module:
- You can no longer create a 2nd Payment Transaction Code with the Tran Subgroup of “City Ledger Transfer”. This Tran Subgroup can now only be assigned to the “CITY” (or for some properties “DB”) Transaction Code.
Prefix can now be added to the start of Invoice Numbers
By law, certain countries must have a Hotel Code prefix placed before their City Ledger Invoice Numbers. Under System Configuration -> Property -> General Tab, there is now a “Prop Code” field.

This code can be up to 4 characters. If a code is entered into this area, it will appear before the Invoice Number on both City Ledger Invoices & City Ledger Account Statements.

Client Type Market Segment renamed “Client Types Grouping”
The term “Grouping”’ more accurately describes the function of this area in the Client Type Module (System Configuration -> Client Type). The corresponding “Room Nights & ADR by Client Type Market Segment” Report (found under Reports -> Statistics) will now be renamed “Room Nights & ADR by Client Type Groupings”

Tweaks and Defects Fixes:
We have also fixed a number of defects in RoomKey including:
- We have also fixed a number of defects in RoomKey including:
- Report Wizard License Plate Report - If your property had a Report Wizard Custom Report to view Vehicle Information for In House Guests, this report will now print properly based on the changes made in the July 2014 release
- PO Number Duplication - When creating a reservation and adding a PO Number, after the reservation was completed, if you selected New Res to start a new reservation, the PO Number from the previous reservation defaulted into the New Reservation. This has now been fixed so the PO Number will no longer duplicate into a New Reservation.
- PO Number via Tape Chart - When creating a new reservation via the Tape Chart, clients were unable to enter a PO Number into the PO Field. This has now been fixed.
- F1 Property Dashboard Stayovers CSV Export - When saving the Stayover report as a .CSV file, RoomKey was combining the Adults & Children figures into one field. This has now been fixed so each figure will populate in its own field.
- Credit Cards Not Authorizing During a Tape Chart Walk In - For clients who use a Credit Card Interface with RoomKey, when doing a Walk-In Reservation from the Tape Chart, Credit Cards were not being prompted to authorize. This has now been fixed.
- M3 Accounting Export - no longer receive an error message when attempting this export
- Error when trying to Create a City Ledger Account without a City Ledger Account Name - A DB Call Error would be produced if you tried to create a City Ledger Account without assigning the Account a Name - this error did not explain the issue at hand. Error message has been updated to inform client that they are missing either the City- or the Account Name.
- Kaba Access Code Interface - Issue with creating new Access Codes is now resolved.
- Yield Management Calculation when Occupancy is over 100% - Previously if Occupancy was over 100% the yielding would not take place. This has been addressed so now if Occupancy is over 100% yielding will calculate based on the highest/lowest yield setting based on if yielding is set in an ascending or descending order.
- Increase in Business Number Field - System Configuration -> Property -> Contacts/Preferences. The Business Number field has been increased to allow for longer Business Numbers. Now allows for up to 16 characters.
- Chain Occupancy Report Improvements - A new Chain Occupancy Report (MTD ONLY) can now be found under Reports -> Statistics -> Chains for properties who are part of a chain. This report is similar to the existing Chain Occupancy Report, but shows MTD totals only.
- Room Attendant Selection in Housekeeping Module - It was reported by clients that the Room Attendant drop down box to select a Room Attendant for a room did not always consistently work. This issue has now been addressed.
If you have any questions about these items please contact our support team at [email protected].