Mobile Statistics
A new Mobile Statistics Dashboard is now available and can be used to monitor the progress of Mobile Check-In/Check-Out & Upsells. For more information on this new feature please see the Mobile Statistics Dashboard training document.
Mobile Check-In & Mobile Check-Out Data will display for past dates for Clients who are currently using these RoomKeyPMS features. Upsell totals will display for past dates as well, however, the Room Type Upsell Revenue & Guest Service Upsell Revenue drop down menus will only display information as of January 23rd, 2024 as this is the date the backend tracking for this feature was launched.

Display Resolution Issues => when updating to V11.0.0.30 several Clients with higher resolution screens noticed some display issues within RoomKeyPMS (ie: smaller icons, not all text fitting properly on screen). These issues have been now been resolved.
Warning has incorrect # of Days => it was reported that when going to System Configuration -> Packages & Inclusions -> Reports, the warning that would appear if you attempted to run this report for more then 31 days stated "Maximum range for this report is 60 days". Corrections have been made and this message will now state "Maximum range for this report is 31 days".
GDS Linking Corporate Search => when mapping GDS Rates under System Configuration -> GDS Linking -> Rate Plans, it was noted that when RoomKeyPMS contained an abundance of Corporate Accounts, that searching for a Corporate while mapping was a very tedious process. Enhancements have been made that will now allow the user to type the beginning letters of the Corporate Account to allow for an easier search.
Overlapping Fields on Reservation Report => it was reported that on the Reservation Report (viewed by selecting the Reservation button on the RoomKeyPMS main screen), if a Rate Code or Source of Business had a name that was more then 20 characters long, it would either be cutoff or overlap on this report. Adjustments have been made to move these fields to another location on the Report in order to prevent this issue from occurring.
Login screen disappears when incorrect password is entered => when entering a Login Name & Password into RoomKeyPMS, if an incorrect Password was entered, a warning would appear and once OK was select, the RoomKeyPMS Login screen would disappear, requiring the Clerk to re-select the RoomKeyPMS icon on their desktop to reopen the Login screen. An update has been made that will allow the Login screen to remain open until either the correct Login information is entered or until the user selects Cancel on the Login screen.
Guest Service Amount updates when attached to Client Type => in RoomKeyPMS you can configure a Guest Service with a future price change. It was reported that if the Guest Service was attached to a Client Type (so it automatically attaches to reservations when they are being created), the price change was not being reflected on New Reservations. This issue has been fixed and prices will now update correctly based on the selected Reservation Dates.
Do Not Rent Report for Chains => it was reported that the Do Not Rent Report, when Guests are shared across chains, was only displaying the Reason for the Do Not Rent if the property printing the report was the property who placed the Guest on the Do Not Rent List. This report has been fixed and now the Reason for the Do Not Rent will display on this report regardless of which property is printing the report.
Exporting RoomKeyPMS Payments Funding by Transaction Report => it was reported that when attempting to export a download created in MerchantTrack for the Funding by Transaction Report, the download would not open. This issue was due to MerchantTrack opening in the RoomKeyPMS embedded browser. To resolve this issue, MerchantTrack will now open in the computer's default browser. NOTE: This has now been reverted to open in the RoomKeyPMS embedded browser once again as the previous issue with the embedded browser has been resolved.
CSV option disappears when switching reports => when running the Daily Balances for In House Guest Report, if Save was selected, two "Save as Type" options would appear, QRP & CSV. It was discovered if you went to Transaction Register Balance Summary Report before going to the Daily Balances for In House Guest Report, that only one "Save as Type" option would appear, QRP. The option to save as CSV was no longer available. A fix has been implement to ensure that the CSV Save as Type option will display at all times.
Charge on Payments when using Post Deposit with a Credit Card Interface => it was reported that when using "Post Deposit" while creating a reservation, if the Credit Card selected had "Charge on Payments" setup, the amount posting on the Reservation was correct (included the Charge on Payment amount), however, the amount processed via the Credit Card interface was not (did not include the Charge on Payments amount). An update has been made to allow this functionality to now work properly when using "Post Deposit". The "Amount Including Charge on Payments" will now appear to the right of the Credit Card Type selected.